Wednesday, September 9

The perfect corned beef...with white sauce

Pictured here with mashed potato, steamed cabbage, homegrown carrots and diced carrots, peas and corn
Corned beef dinner is my favourite.  Hands down.  I request it.  I actually requested it twenty years ago for my eighteenth birthday.. and to this day I still love it.  For those in Australia, there's some great sales this week at Woollies on corned beef, so add it to your shopping list!

A little tid bit:  I had no idea until about 4 years ago when visiting a friend in Brisbane (yes, that's YOU Vicki!) that people actually ROAST them?  Still think that's weird!

This is my Nan's recipe (go Nan!) and it never goes wrong.

Joans' Meatloaf

1-2kg corned beef
1 onion, peeled
10 cloves
1 tsp peppercorns
2 large bay leaves
2 tb malt vinegar
2 tb brown sugar
2-3 carrots
Take corned beef out of bag.  Soak in sink or pot of cold water for 30 minutes.  This makes sure your beef isn't too salty.
Pierce cloves into your onion and place into stockpot
Add onion, pepper, bayleaves, vinegar, sugar to the stockpot
Add your beef and then cover to with water until beef is fully submerged.  Add your carrots (I used ones we pulled out of the garden and washed just minutes before - very sweet!)
Simmer for 30 minutes for every 500g of beef

When done, take out, rest for 10 minutes, then carve into 5mm thick pieces.

Now the white sauce.. you've GOT to have white sauce.  I have a shortcut to perfect white sauce... and it's not done as a roux..

Liss' no-fail white parsley sauce

1 large stalk italian parsley
1 small onion, finely diced
2 tb butter
3 cups milk
3 tb cornflour

Melt butter in saucepan
Add the onion and parsley and cook until soft.

reserve 100ml of milk, and put the rest in the saucepan
To the reserved milk, add cornflour, stir until fully dissolved/combined with no lumps

Pour into saucepan
Stir regularly with a whisk (not constantly say every 30 seconds) for the first few minutes, then it will simmer up to boil, turn it down and let it thicken whilst you stir

turn off heat when sauce is thick on back of spoon.

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5 lovely comments:

Katy on September 9, 2009 at 1:02 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Mmm... I love corned beef too! I haven't been able to cook it tenderly though, so I'll have to give this a go! I've always used a rolled corned beef, but this looks easier to carve.

Could I use white vinegar instead of malt? I don't use malt vinegar.

Kylez..aka...Mrs.P! on September 9, 2009 at 1:24 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Ooo, I love Corned Beef too, like you I request this at least once a week! Mr.P has mastered it now, he makes the most tender corned beef. His trick is to let it cool down in the water for 10 mins to stop it from drying out. And he never makes white sauce coz he says it's too much fuss, but I've printed out you instructions and I'm gonna make it tonight to go with the corned beef we have defrosting! Mmmmmm!

greenfumb on September 9, 2009 at 1:47 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

It was always my favourite as a kid too but we had mustard sauce from the Edmonds Cookbook - let me know if you want to see the recipe. Deb

Vicki on September 9, 2009 at 5:55 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Corned beef (and the must have white sauce) is one of my hands down favourites as well! With jacket potatoes (chats size), and whatever other vegies I can find!

Love love love it!

Liss on September 10, 2009 at 9:22 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Katy - I've never tried it with white vinegar - give it a go though, don't see how it would hurt?

Mrs P - How did the white sauce go?

Deb - happy to try new things!! Would love your mustard sauce recipe!! :) xx

Vicki - we normally go with the mash, cabbage, cauli and carrot - didn't have any cauli left from the garden so we cheated this time!


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