Wednesday, September 2

If I had a time-machine.. asks this week:

If you could choose a day, a week, a moment in time to re-live - what would it be? Why would you do it? Would you change anything? Take us back there - with words and pictures if you can...

I think I would do what most people would do. Hug, appreciate and validate those in your life who you've lost... but if were to re-live a happy time in my life...
I would have to name a top ten:
10. Last day of highschool - freeeedom!

9. Moving into my first share house at 19 - so grown up, so exciting, so educational!

8. A weekend I spent in Adelaide with my hubby for his thirtieth birthday. We were having a long-distance love affair at the time, so it was a reunion weekend, was wonderful.

7. The day I left on my backpacking adventure - 21 years old and living my dream. I had electricity running through my veins getting on that plane 28th December 1992.

6. The Great Wall of China. Amazing, freezing cold day - I got chillblains and it was totally worth it.

5. Italy, Rome - Colloseum, Venice, Florence. Loved it all. A lifetime dream fulfilled.

4. Wedding Day - perfect, perfect day, my family, my friends, and importantly my hubby.

3. The day of our first scan with Eloise - when we first heard her heartbeat - I looked at hubby, he had tears in his eyes.. it was a 'world stopped' moment.

2. The delivery or Olivia and Laura. I was not conscious for Eloise's birth, so being awake for my precious bebe's arrival with my hubby by my side was so very very wonderful. Two healthy, beautiful babies. Our family was complete.

1. The first hour I spent alone with Eloise. Everyone in my family met her before me and finally when we were alone those moments I remember so tenderly. The enormity that I was a Mummy and that my hubby and I had created something (body) so perfect was just overwelming. I finally understood what life was about at that moment.
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2 lovely comments:

Kylie G on September 2, 2009 at 7:26 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

love the style of this post, great idea!

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella on September 2, 2009 at 9:55 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Lovely post! I cna imagine there was a lot of lovely moments recalling these times when compiling the list!


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