Monday, November 2

Mondayitis Cooking 30 MInutes or less : Easy Fried Rice

This one is one I dig out on such occasions such as:
'Oh no, I forgot to take something out of the freezer and it's 4pm' or
'We've just got home from X and I don't have time to cook Y before the kids start eating the couch'...
'I feel like something quick and dirty'...

It's amazing we don't eat it every night! (Just kidding)
This is actually really nice hot or cold and I keep a few key ingredients in the freezer on standby.  Make it up for lunches..

5 cups of cooked rice (2 cups uncooked)
2 rashers bacon, finely diced (substitute vegetarian bacon if you like!)
2 shallots, finely diced
1/3 cup corn kernels (frozen, fresh, tinned)
1/3 cup peas (frozen, fresh, tinned) or beans, chopped
1 carrot finely diced
8 prawns, finely diced (optional)
2 tb light soy sauce
2 eggs, lightly beaten

Prepare all ingredients before starting to cook and have close at hand.

Heat oil in frypan, wait til sizzling hot (drop a little water on to test if you are unsure)
Add bacon, shallots, corn, peas/beans, carrot, prawns and stir until lightly cooked.

Add rice, cook for about 5 minutes, stirring only once a minute
Add soy, stir once a minute for another 2 minutes.

Move ingredients over to one side to leave some space in frypan, pour in egg and let cook for 30 seconds. With fork, scramble and then combine through rest of rice.

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