Monday, November 9

Our visit to Ben and Jerrys - Manly

Ben and Jerrys has had quite a lengthy and fun campaign amongst online social networkers.  Competitions on blog to twitter, their 'Rolling Cone Bus' has been in both Sydney and Melbourne handing out the newest ice-cream kid on the block creating much excitement.

Those who've had Ben and Jerrys in the US have not been able to contain their excitement and I was intrigued as we already have Baskin Robbins and Homer Hudson, what's all the fuss about?  Having grown up right near the Sydney ice-cream strip (otherwise known as Manly Corso) I've tried loads of icecream... so when I learned that the first Ben and Jerrys would be nearby the strip, I resolved to see what the fuss was indeed all about.

So we headed off on Saturday and arrived just before lunch... my three little frills were very excited, from the outside it's really fun looking, and let's face it - when you're four or five, icecream is an exciting prospect, isn't it?

The staff are friendly and the guy behind the counter offers us to taste whatever we like - an offer I'm hardly going to refuse!?  So we try Strawberry Cheesecake - it's spectacular.  Creamy, creamy, oh so creamy. It also has a bit of vanilla biscuit in it to replicate the crust.  Lovely.   We also try Berry Berry Extraordinary - it's a sorbet but not tart like you expect it to be...  Soon enough the girls cannot wait and we need to order their cones.

Eloise orders a Cherry Garcia - oh wow.  I will be ordering this for myself one day - it's creamy with chunks of cherry and dark chocolate.  Seriously droolworthy and you know I think would be a great accompaniment to Christmas pudding...

Single Cone - $5.20

Olivia orders good ol' original vanilla - usually she's scoffing icecream, but this time she licking, she's mmmmming and when I taste it I understand why - it's real vanilla bean tasting.  It's texture is custardy just like home-made icecream.  Even though it's not an amazing concoction, it doesn't disappoint.

Laura's taken a cookies and cream.  The cookies are in chunks and also thoroughly distributed, no skimping.  Laura was absolutely covered in it, I suppose that would be a show of her appreciation!?  I taste the cone also - sugar cone, not too thick, fresh and crispy.  Freshly made on the premises.

Last, but certainly not least - I decide I'm going with a chocolate brownie.   So I get a chocolate brownie with chocolate brownie icecream and the trimmings.  I'm not usually a fan of cream on icecream but it's for the pictures I tell myself and I order up.

It's delicious.  It's rich.  It's creamy.   The brownie is warm and every bit of american brownie you'd expect.  Crispy and chewy, chocolately and decadent.  Just the right amount of nuts.  The icecream is chocolately, creamy,smooth but with chunks of frozen brownie..  Given my time again I probably wouldn't go chocolate on chocolate - a bit rich for me, but if you're a chocoholic, this is your dream combination.
Brownie icecream sundae $8.20

Just as we were finishing up, it started to pack up, loads of people coming in off the beach in the hot midday sun, which discouraged me from lining up for some take home packs $11.95 for 1 pint or $5.95 for a mini - you can see the flavours available here - I did actually also see these at Wild Oaks Market in Dee Why on Friday - so I'm thinking you could find them in local delicatessens...

The scoop shop also has a range of merchandise to purchase - your own take home scoops (definitely in the market for one of those) for $9.99 and a pint-lock so you can secure your supply of B&J's in your home freezer $9.99

The cafe is comfortable, plenty of places to sit
Clean - there was regular cleaning of tables and chairs that I saw
Service is great - friendly and knowledgeable about products
They also serve coffee
Free Wi-Fi on site
Free postcards on offer to spread the word
I do think this is the best icecream in Manly

Might be a little difficult for a non-local to find given it's not on the Corso.. but those willing to walk the extra 70m from the Corso will be rewarded and those who are B&J devotees will come anyway!  (Tip use the council carpark in Wentworth Street, it's 30m walk from that)

Not near Manly? - check out @BenandJerryOz on Twitter to find out where the rolling cone is or ask when they are heading near you! (And Mum, they DO have plans to open  in Cairns, I asked!)



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6 lovely comments:

Chantelle {fat mum slim} on November 9, 2009 at 1:34 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

What a great report Liss!

I have the strawberry cheesecake on Friday, and was SO in love. It was the perfect amount of everything. :)

PinkPatentMaryJanes on November 9, 2009 at 1:39 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]


Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella on November 9, 2009 at 2:24 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Oh it's opened already? I didn't hear much about the actual opening event. Or maybe it's a soft opening :)

Katy on November 9, 2009 at 3:39 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Oh how I love ice-cream!!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Oh my GOSH. I loved this write up on ice cream....and now I have to find a way to get myself to Ben and Jerry's. I live in Canberra so it's abit of a hike just for a cone, but I think I'll do it!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I didn't even know it's open! You are so quick!!!! I must get hem this weekend. Thanks for this nice little preview. Excellent!!! Muah!


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