Tuesday, November 10

Our Vegetable Garden - Update#2 November in pictures - plus irrigation!

We've had such a big week weather wise this past week - we had loads of rain and some tropical temperatures in the upper thirties, everything's had a bit of a growth spurt..  I think we've doubled the fruit and buds on our tomatoes this week, I only see this happening exponentially over the next weeks, it's going to be wonderful having loads of tomatoes - I can never have enough!

Here's the corn, rocket, silverbeet, leeks and baby cos

Here's the celery and cos, these are going beserk!

Climbing beans are loving their new home and I reckon in 2 weeks they'll be climbing those strings!

Pumpkins, doubled in size easily this week

and drumroll... here's our sprinkler system.  We've erected some agricultural tubing along the polypipe with some joiners and sprinkler valves - we can actually attach the hose from the outside of the opera house and turn it on and it will disperse fine mist across the entire patch.  It's quite a hike through buffalo grass from the tap from the opera house, so no plans right now to have it auto-time or anything.. dog eats the hose too so we can't even leave that out!

It's REALLY cool.

Lastly, here's a little view of the opera house half way from the Tap, just wanted to show off the Jacaranda which is in bloom and drop at the moment - it's nice on that hammock just chilling out, even though a lot of the time I have at least one of my girls on it with me!  Won't be long and the gardenias (in the foreground) will be blooming their wonderful scent.... ahhh.. love spring!

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3 lovely comments:

Jamie on November 10, 2009 at 5:15 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

That's inspiring Liss, and well-organised, too. Love the hammock, by the way.

Katy on November 11, 2009 at 12:04 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Look fantastic! With the warmer weather here and the cooler, moist nights, it's no wonder they're going crazy!

Elizabeth said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Looking good. Hope that you have lots of room for the pumpkins though heh.


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