Tuesday, November 3

Gee-Gee-Whizz - Ker-ching!

How did you go in the cup today?  We hedged our bets and put money on horses that didn't look like total duds if they were like our birthdays - so we ended up with 2.50 each way on 1, 11, 21 and 22.  21 being the winner - we ended up $13 ahead.  Woohoo.

Melbourne Cup used to be the day I would get dressed up to the nines, show off my race hat of the year (I was well known to wear a hat to any occasion really!)  and organise a little get-together of some type. Run a number of sweeps.  One year I did it for rather a large office and I think we had 20 sweeps going simultaneously!  Fun times.

Not this year. Hubby was off having an MRI and I was watching it with the three frills, explaining how it worked - they got right into it. Given the method of choosing our bets, they all wanted to go with their birthday as the one that would win.  However Olivia and Laura although sharing a birthday, did not want to share a horse.   When number 21 actually did win, then there was the argument over WHO exactly won.  I think we're going to be having separate birthday parties sooner than I thought!

I think next year I'll organise a Mummies Melbourne Cup Day here - the kids can run a race of their own!

What did you get up to?
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1 lovely comments:

Katy on November 3, 2009 at 9:04 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Well done on your win! LB was enthralled by the race, and had all different questions.

Met Dale for playdate this morning, kids had a ball! Watched Greys while the kids had rest time, watched the race, made gnocchi, watered the garden, and WW meeting.

Lovely, lovely day! Don't like the extreme heat, but love the warmer weather that hopefully is on it way.

Glad I'm not the only one having to swap around meals!!!!!!!!!!


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