Wednesday, May 13

Wow.something in the water? The air?

A remote indian village reports an ongoing multiple birth boom..

Last year in 300 births they recorded 15 sets of twins. That is 5% of births - here in Australia currently it hovers around 1.7-1.8% and that's increased by 1% on average over the past 20 or so years due to medical advances and also women having their children later in life.

Some 250 sets of twins have been registered in a village of 2,000 families.

"In my medical opinion there are around 300 to 350 twins within the village boundaries of Kodinhi," many of whom aren't registered, Dr. Krishnan Sribiju told the newspaper. A twin enthusiast and local doctor, Sribiju has been studying the village for two years.
"What is fascinating is the increasing numbers of twins with each passing year, so much so that I feel in the past 10 years the number of twins in Kodinhi has doubled ... To the best of my knowledge this medical marvel began somewhere between 60 to 70 years ago."
So why are there so many sets of twins in the village? Doctors are stumped.

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