Friday, October 29

Season Savvy week 19 - Beetroot

Just a refresher for the kids at home - beetroot isn't only available in a tin.  That's pickled beetroot!  Roasting a beetroot in your roast needs to be experienced, and I'm looking forward to seeing some new ways to cook with it myself - aren't you?

So here were are, back at Season Savvy - I lost my season savvy mojo there for a few weeks, but it's back - and there's only so much I can do before we run out of produce sometimes.. and I don't know how I could have forgotten about Beetroot.  I mean, it's in my garden!!  I used it in a recipe here in the past week even.

Sheesh.  I'm losing my mind I think!

What is Season Savvy?
I'm all about using seasonal produce. When it's good. When it's plentiful, when it's cheap.

Each week I'm challenging you to use a particular piece of produce that is SEASONAL. Now if you're in a different season to me, don't panic. Maybe you have cooked something before with this ingredient, add it and play along....

Hopefully this way, we can use this as a bit of inspiration/education and show off what you can cook, and save some moulah!

So what do you need to do?
1. Find a recipe you love or a way you love to eat leek - it doesn't need to be the main ingredient, but it needs to be in the dish.. and it doesn't need to be fancy either!
2. Make it or find the link
3. Photograph it and/or share the recipe
(it doesn't need to be-step-by-step photos!)
4. Post your link down there with the Linkytool down below
5. Get visited, and visit other people's recipes!

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3 lovely comments:

PinkPatentMaryJanes on October 29, 2010 at 3:16 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I love fresh beetroot, particularly grated raw into a salad. Mmm. I've been meaning to roast some beetroot chips - now you've got me all inspired...

BabyMac on October 29, 2010 at 8:43 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Thanks Liss! I have some beetroots from the neighbours garden and I wasn't sure WHAT to do with them. Saved me!

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella on October 29, 2010 at 9:19 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Hehe I was wondering where your season savvy mojo had gone. It's such a great column as we always see so much fruit and veg in the shops and wonder what to do with it! :)


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