Tuesday, October 26

Christmas Fare - Candied peanuts

Yes, I know, Christmas recipes already - but allow me to fill you in on a little secret.  I've been in Christmas for a few months now - I have a number of articles appearing over the internets so I've been crafting, cooking and writing about Christmas for what seems like months and months.   I've really got my Christmas on now and I suspect by the time Christmas does actually roll around - all I'll want is a cheese and tomato toasted sandwich.

So indulge me, start bookmarking the recipes you want to use and sharing them with your friends!  Now, remember to sign up for the Frills in the Hills Newsletter - it's out on Friday and will help get your bells jingling!  It's about being organised!

Ok, on with the show..
How utterly gorgeous are these?  What are these??

These are candied peanuts!  I always associate them with Christmas because my Grandad used to always have them on his coffee table when we visited on Boxing Day.  The coffee table was saturated with yummy treats - columbines, cashews, scorched almonds, chocolate coated sultanas and these - I remember these so vividly because they were exactly that - vivid!

The are really easy to make - take about 15 minutes and they are gone in no time, they are mighty moorish but they look so gorgeous on a Christmas table.  Shame they don't last long.

You can use other nuts if you wish, and you can opt to not colour them or colour them different colours!

2 cups unsalted peanuts
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup water
1/4 tsp food colouring (I used queens pillarbox red)

In a heavy based frypan, place all the ingredients - have a baking tray and a large metal spoon on standby!

Heat over a medium to high temperature until it starts to boil.  Reduce the heat to medium-low.  Keep turning peanuts around with your metal spoon.

Then the sugar will granulate, turn down the temperature til low and when all the liquid is absorbed, spoon the peanuts onto a greased baking tray.

Allow to cool for about 10 minutes (though I will admit, it's hard not to snaffle a few at this point!)


You can store in airtight container for up to a week if you like - but seriously, why would you?
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2 lovely comments:

Amie on October 26, 2010 at 8:00 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

seriously yum. i was going to look for this recipe tomorrow. perfect timing.

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Another one that will be on the Christmas list in our house - YUM!


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