Thursday, October 7

How do you feel about toilet humour? The List Operators for kids makes it fun..ny... even for the adults!.

You know with two almost-five year olds and a six year old, toilet humour at times can be a bit out of control. It's a stage I'm told (I'm hoping so) and I do discourage it but I realise upon speaking to other parents it's happening everywhere. Even just keeping your ears open in the school playground you start to realise that you are pretty powerless to avoid it completely.  It drives me crazy at times !!

So you know, hearing that the List of Operators for Kids had a fair bit of toilet humour in it, I was a little cringe-y but I thought, 'hey the kids will like it at least?...'.  We arrived at the Seymour centre with time to spare and actually bumped into a classmate from Eloise's school and his family.   It was a fun reunion after almost two weeks holiday and the kids were excited to see each other and excited to be on a fun day out.

We sat in our chairs looking at the set (and the theatre was fairly full!), and I didn't quite know what to expect.  The reviews I've read say it's not just for kids, the parents find it pretty funny so I hoped I'd be entertained at least, even if the kids dissolved into a giggly mess.

How entertained I had no idea. Seriously, there wasn't 30 seconds where we all weren't laughing!  I don't want to spoil the surprise for those of you who are going along but it's something we'd probably berate our kids for doing, however it was a hilarious - most of it was aimed smack-bang at what our kids find funny.  Rude words, poo, vomit and let's not forget farting.  Farting is really the new black.

Don't let that last sentence put you off - just let yourself go with it, laugh with your kids!   Matt and Richard really engage you, there's plenty of audience participation and also a number of the 'adult jokes' that the kids just won't get.  The List Operators for kids really is a great hour of fun where you will escalate yourself on the cool Mum/Dad stakes infinitely by just taking the kids along.  Eloise complained that there is NO WAY that show went for an hour and didn't want to leave!

We briefly met Matt (left) and Richard (right) after the show!  The frills were very excited.

And you know what?  No bottom, far, poo talk since.  Maybe the frills have been exorcised?

Good news is that as part of the Sydney Children's Festival - the tickets are capped at  $17.50 each - a great price for live entertainment!!!  So get along!

How do YOU feel about toilet humour?  Something you avoid at all costs of do you just embrace it and have fun?  Something in between?
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2 lovely comments:

Felicity on October 7, 2010 at 1:05 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

There's a time and a place for this and early childhood is definitely the time when even the briefest utterance of any of the 'toilet' words brings forth gales of laughter.

I don't think little girls who do this in fun will turn into potty-mouthed teens [or women] and it's really about being able to see the lighter side of laugh.

x Felicity

PS Scoot over to my place to read about my gorgeous giveaway,

Corrie on October 7, 2010 at 3:10 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

well I don't know about you but the daddy of the house doesn't help the toilet humour!!!!!!!! he makes them laugh and carry on about everything and the twins think it's funny.......oh I have years of it ahead of me.

Looks like a great show and great prices - so often I've paid $30 for a kids ticket so that is a fab price!

your girls will be cultured by the end of the show - toilet humour or no toilet humour!


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