Thursday, April 30

Nitwit News: Given the finger to your employer lately?

Or maybe have you eaten it?

Source AOL:
BELGRADE (April 27) - A Serbian union official who chopped off his finger and ate it in a protest over wages that in some cases have not been paid in years, said Monday he did it to show how desperate he and other workers were.

"We, the workers, have nothing to eat. We had to seek some sort of alternative food and I gave them an example," Zoran Bulatovic told Reuters. "It hurt like hell."

Some employees have not been paid for years, only collecting social benefits, like free medical care.
About two dozen workers went on a 19-day hunger strike last year. Full story here
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1 lovely comments:

Leila on April 30, 2009 at 7:34 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]



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