Saturday, April 11

Nanna or Nifty?

I've decided to try my hand at preserving. Given that we have access to seasonal fruit and vegetables during our farmgate trails and pretty soon we'll be producing our own crops (with luck!) I hate seeing things spoil. My Nan makes amazing marmalade, and my grandfather used to make the BEST pickled cucumbers.

I'm gazing over at my bunch of almost ripe peaches that we picked up at our local fruitmarket at the end of the street yesterday - about 2kg for $4.99. It would make great peach jam or preserves.. or schnapps? mmmmm Chilli jam would also be on the menu given that hubby's got about 16 plants growing at the moment!

So I've ordered 8x16oz preserve jars from Ezibuy. The ones with the rubber rims. I think that's what you're supposed to have. And I guess I'll be saving all my glass jars from herein.

It is a bit Nanna, but I'm loving the homey-ness of the whole thing.

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2 lovely comments:

mummabee on April 11, 2009 at 1:15 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

My mum does (and I help) tomato sauce and often fruits (peaches, pears etc) and always strawberry jam - it's a lovely way to connect as a family and it's nice to have stuff you know what's in it!!

Jaime on April 11, 2009 at 2:57 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Both Nanna and Nifty. You inspired me to get our own vegie garden with your post the other day. I'll see if I can get Steve motivated tomorrow.
I'd love to make preserves etc my Nan used to so to use her recipes would be great.


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