Wednesday, April 1

Awww. purdy!!

I was very very lucky to win a competition on Gymbofriends to win some custom bows. Now custom bows really haven't appealed to me before but there are some gymboree ranges that just don't have the hair accessories I like. Like Candy Shoppe - I have the curlies (well a few of them) but they don't match all of the range in my eyes which is a bit annoying.

Anyways when I won this set of custom bows I offered to obviously get 2 more sets as it's a bit unfair to my little ladies.. but she offered to make 6 smaller ones instead of 2 big ones - which was truly generous and actually much more appealing to me as the large bows (like the size of your hand) are just a bit over the top to me.

They arrived about a fortnight ago but we've not been sitting still for long enough or had the weather to wear the matching clothes - but today all the planets aligned so-to-speak and here they are! Thank you Jeanette!! (user bibbidibobbidi if you're interested in ordering some!) they are gorgeous and I appreciate all the effort and generosity sending them from the UK !!

Cheeky miss!

Eloise was being a little bit of a sook... hehe

I adore this pic of Eloise!

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2 lovely comments:

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Hello Hello! I just found your blog on Gf! lol I'm going to follow you on twitter as KrustyTheCat, and on here as Joanna Bender. I would love it if you did the amount of followers is dismal at best.

Grace on April 2, 2009 at 8:14 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Your girls are oh so cute! I dread to think how much $$$ I will spend if mine's a little girl too.


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