Sunday, April 5

A round up of updates...

Well our new puppy son Dougall is settling in very nicely, still following me around like a shadow, and sorting out his place in the family, has eaten well and only had one small accident inside, has done all the other businesses outside bless. Went for the first walk today with hubby and Eloise and Olivia whilst Laura had some alone time with Mummy getting puppy supplies at the supermarket. It's so lovely to have one-on-one time even if it is just doing some groceries. She was chitter-chattering away asking what we were having for dinner, whether Dougall would like this or that and can Dougall please, pleeease have a barbie, because he really needs one you know! ahem!

Sun popped out to prove that it still exists today. If you ask my laundry baskets it would suggest it's been a very brief appearance. Loathe using the dryer and don't even think it works properly to be honest. So chinese laundry has been erected under the deck.

Vege garden has survived the downpours of this past week and the beans are sprouting (below pic, these were seeds last Sunday) and the carrot seeds surprisingly didn't wash away and have started to sprout too. All the seedlings are thriving and growing, looking good!

At the moment I have lemon pistachio biscotti in it's first bake in the oven, smells delicious! Will let you know the outcome tomorrow and if it works well, I'll share recipe and pics.

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1 lovely comments:

Chantelle {fat mum slim} on April 6, 2009 at 5:50 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

That's a great update.

My laundry is dying for a string of fine days. It's impossible. x


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