Sunday, April 12

Everybody Happy - Sunshine Day

Hubby took these pics yesterday and I just found them on the camera when downloading. Felt compelled to share.This is Laura, my mischevious, free spirited and explicity cheeky 3 year old. There isn't a day where I haven't cracked up laughing at something she says. A natural wit. Beautiful soul. Beautiful child.

I love how the sunlight is hitting everything in these photos. Blissful, whimsical.

Barking orders to her puppy...

This is such a posey smile!

A girl and her dog.. she's so so happy!

Laura with her captive audience...

Dougall the wonder-dog!

Hubby's Mum enjoying Dougall, or rather the other way around!

My mother in law clearly loving these special moments

Life is too short..

Now if the title had singing the Brady Bunch Tune, I'm sorry but it kind of goes!

If you were born after 1975, or you weren't allowed to watch the Brady Bunch... you'll need to watch this:

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1 lovely comments:

Lilli on April 12, 2009 at 10:55 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I ♥ Dougall


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