Saturday, April 4

Introducing.... Dougall

This is the 6th and final installment to our Family.
The girls have been asking (begging!) for a dog for at least a least! Anyhow, the stipulation was that everyone was toilet trained, which we have been for a couple of months now - so finally time to deliver the promise and reward! Dougall is 6 months old next week and looks very much like a short-legged-wire-coat Parsons Jack Russell. I had a pedigree long legged smooth coat so I see a lot of similarities. He was dumped at the pound at 15 weeks with his two brothers - the animal shelter seems to think the previous owners tried to breed and sell unsuccessfully and then couldn't handle the vet bills, because our little Dougall had very bad worms when they got him.

He's dexed now and healthy boy! Very placid for a JR though. Seems house trained but I'll reserve judgement for the next couple of days.... kids adore him and he was very tolerant with all their pats today, didn't really bat an eyelid! He's attached himself to me as the pack leader and Hubby's gone off to the Rugby tonight so when the kids were coming out for frequent trips out of bed for various reasons trying to disguise the fact they wanted to hang out with Dougall, I roused on them and told them to go back to bed a couple of times, and then he started to do joke growls by my side then Laura tried to sneak in and he caught her, growled, and came running to me to dob !

Anyhoo, very cute, I didn't think I'd get another JR after Leroy (somehow felt like I was trying to *replace* him) but seeing him there today I think it was meant to be, he chose us... and that's the way it should be. Oh, and a very cute moment before bedtime, Laura sang twinkle twinkle little star very softly to send him to sleep.. very sweet. (pic below)

Overtired from many, many pats!

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2 lovely comments:

Jaime on April 4, 2009 at 10:14 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

sounds like he's just what you need a boy to keep all those gorgeous girls of yours in line. I love that he's a little dobber!

Kat on April 4, 2009 at 10:30 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

he's too cute!!


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