Tuesday, January 19

My clever hubby Part 1

We have an ugly bit of our garden it's just off our deck and it was originally the area covering and old septic tank.  It gets great sun and when we moved in, it was covered with pebbles.  Those pebbles are hard on your feet and it's just unused space overall.

Also, I've been lamenting that my herbs are now becoming numerous, they are shared between the little herb garden we've got in the BBQ area and the vegetable patch... it's a pain if you want a few herbs from each if you're cooking.. I want all the herbs together and nearby the kitchen... so hubby had a grand idea.

We're (well he!) is building 2 'L' shaped planter boxes for this unused area.  They will border it on each side and will house all the herbs I need whilst creating a lovely sunny nook.  We'll also turf it and add some steps from the deck and up to the rest of the garden (well they'll be dug into the existing slope).  I see us with deck chairs on crisp weekends reading the papers... bliss.

So one is started, next is to seal the gaps in the wood, fill and plant!  We've been eco-friendly and frugal too!

So far the cost for this one bed:
Recycled hardwood from Kimbriki recycle yard : $9.50
Coach bolts, and all the other hardware 22.50

So all up, this has cost us 32.00 so far - I think that's quite good right?

Hubby also planted some australian native shrubs which bloom in winter lovely little yellow flowers as a screen from the rest of the yard.. this time next year they should be a couple of metres high and a hedge - woot!
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1 lovely comments:

Quixotic on January 19, 2010 at 3:31 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I love it! Turning green with envy over here.... :o)


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