Friday, January 8

It's the final countdown

My baby is leaving me.  She's going to school.  She is going to thrive, make friends, lose teeth, idolise her teachers, get into playground politics, graze her knees, lose her lunchbox and school hats, she'll be reading real books before the year is out.

It's a pretty big step.  I know she'll take it in her stride, she's busting to go - and I'm so excited for her.  Part of me wants to keep her with me though, the separation is going to be a big adjustment for me, and the whole dynamic of the day-times at home with change.  For the better I'm sure.  Dividing my time between two girls instead of three will open up all kinds of new activities and give me a chance to focus a bit more on Olivia and Laura's writing of their name, basic maths skills and general milestones.

Having to be somewhere twice a day, five days a week is going to be good too - a new routine and getting motivated in the mornings will get me fitting in more into the day, sticking with a new routine (although our current one is pretty solid).  Washing school uniforms, going through homework, notes from school, volunteering time.

We're almost ready too. All the school uniforms are hanging, I've started labelling all her clothes and belongings - lunchbox, drink bottle, school bag all accounted for.  Got our knee hi socks, hair elastics and singlets sorted last weekend, this week will see the purchase of the school shoes and a hair-trim.  Then just the art-smock and the library bag to purchase two days before she starts.  Feel relieved I got uniforms back in September now.

3 weeks today and I'll she'll be getting me up for her first day at school.  Wow.
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5 lovely comments:

greenfumb on January 8, 2010 at 8:28 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I remember that day like it was yesterday - and now she's in Year 12!

I did a teaching prac in that school years ago, it was lovely.

Mrs Mac on January 8, 2010 at 10:02 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Wow Liss that is one significant milestone for Eloise and her parents - no wonder you're feeling utterly emotional and bittersweet. Keep us updated with her progress - can't wait to see a picture of her in her uniform!!! ;)

Claire on January 8, 2010 at 11:07 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

My little miss is off to school too so I know how you are feeling right now. At least you have the other two to keep you busy my little one doesnt get here till May!

Jaime on January 8, 2010 at 11:45 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

how did she get to be so grown up. I remember when she was born!

Kylie G on January 8, 2010 at 7:26 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

What an exciting time for you and Eloise! I can't even begin to imagine that day yet. Enjoy - and share with us!


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