Thursday, August 27

Reality Bites: Roll in the lemmings...

Australian Idol Listening not watching - Well that kind of describes my Australian Idol exposure this week.
There have been a few pleasant surprises, and I'm not sure if it's this new crop of hopefuls or the fact that Kyle isn't there anymore, but I'm not hating it.  The only one who has truly stuck in my brain is Ashleigh.  In fact she blew me away.  I couldn't keep my eyes off her.

(see her here on this clip, roughly just over 1/2 way through)

Project Runaway Australia
12 hours to create 3 pieces of a collection?  Crazy?  Tears? Yes, yes.

Roll in the lemmings - First year Fashion Students - oh joy.  'Welcome to the Fashion Industry, BITCH'. God love Anthony... picks a boy 'with better legs than most of the girls'!  His collection... hmmm!

Poor William - talk about being shafted with fabric choices!  Very relieved he got through.  VERY.  Sad that Mark was gone - it was the right decision though, tough call between him and Ivana.

If Henry says 'Passion in your Fashion' I might just break something.. love him but please, no more!!

Kate is gone - her outbursts are immature and utterly annoying - don't let the door hit you on the butt!  Dayshaun - PLEASE let him go next, Maybe he can take Megan with him?

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1 lovely comments:

Jaime on August 31, 2009 at 10:23 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I had to avoid your reality wrap up until I'd watched Aussie Project Runway over the w/e.

Oh good god, Mark's pants were HIDEOUS!!! Judy Jetson would be the only person to wear them.

Did you know US PR is back? Looks great so far.


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