Friday, August 7

I know I will laugh about this... eventually...

This morning when looking for a rogue sneaker which little Miss Five (Eloise) had 'misplaced' I stumbled across something to my absolute horror inside the play kitchen fridge.

Not just your ordinary stickers.
Stickers my friend Vicki had sent me to send two carseats up to brisbane with.  I have no idea what their value is but I would be guessing a 5kg sticker is worth something... and the 10 stickers she sent me, actually had 4 parts - so yes there were hopefully 40 little stickers stuck EVERYWHERE.  I began to freak out... called in three little girls.

'Who did this?'
'I didn't'
'Not me'
'Laura did it'

There were fingers being pointed all over the place.  No one wanted to own up.  I told them all to sit down and be quiet and have a think about who really did it, and I only wanted to hear from the person who actually did it.  I explained that telling the truth and owning up to something was MUCH better than blaming someone else. 

They all looked at each other - a few elbows and stares ensued.

I then went on with the putting of the stickers together jigsaw style - praying none had been eaten or screwed up. 

This is the evidence
Exhibit A

Exhibit B
Luckily, all bits were accounted for - so I pieced it back together on packaging tape - argh!
Now they're on the boxes
Soon after I had cleaned up Eloise came in with her confession, and tears and a solemn vow not to touch anything on my desk again..!
I will be drinking a few cocktails tonight.

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4 lovely comments:

Nisha on August 7, 2009 at 1:30 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

LOL!! You'd be an insta-alcoholic in my house!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Oh dear! I feel your pain, but yes, with some distance and a cocktail or two in you, I'm sure you will laugh eventually...

Gabrielle on August 7, 2009 at 7:04 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Oh no! Bless her for owning up!

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Yikes!!! I'd go nuts if that happened. At least you were able to fix them, right? they should be ok now?


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