Saturday, September 18

Party Palooza #8 - Theme - Windy party

I was inspired by this idea - a friend of mine Di, had a windy party a couple of years ago and at first I was 'huh? what IS a windy party' and then the .aaaaah, what a fabulous idea!

Basically it's getting the kids outside and experimenting with wind for fun.  Right now is a great time to break out the kites - we love it!

So here's some ideas for you!


You could have teams and make it into a party game too!

Make pinwheels!
These double up as great thank you gifts!

Make your own sailboats - paper sailboat race anyone?

Got any photo suggestions/links for a windy party?

Link up photos/sites below or comment with suggestions!

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4 lovely comments:

Di on September 18, 2010 at 9:35 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Well, I have other brilliant ideas for a windy party, being that Di and all.

It all started off because I got saw a huge box of kites cheaply online and thought 'that would make a brilliant party favour'.

Instead of party bags at the end, we gave party bags at the beginning. These were canvas library bags with their name on them (got the bags for $1 each, many of the kids are still using them 3 years later).

In each bag was 2 kites, a cape made of calico, a set of beads, fishing wire, a coat hanger and instructions on making a wind chime. Paper and instructions on easy paper planes. Also equipment and instructions for making paper-bag kites (as opposed to normal kites). Plus bubbles, of course. And something else I have forgotten, because it was almost 4 years ago now. Plus, a party instruction booklet, which told parents how to do all the things in case they didn't get done.

We used paper windmills as our invitations to the party.

The party basically involved them flying kites, decorating their capes, running around like lunatics, blowing bubbles at each other.. A couple made the windchimes there, but most took them home.

It was a great party! Do have someone there who is better at assembling kites than me though.

this jen day on September 18, 2010 at 1:06 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

We had a kite party for the boys' first bday party last weekend!

We did a similar thing with kites instead of party bags. We had 'kites for kids' and 'bubbles for bubs'.

The littlies had a wonderful time running around flying kites and blowing bubbles that sailed off into the sky. We also had a bubble machine that blew out thousands and thousands of bubbles - it was a hit!

I made 2 'kite' birthday cakes, one for each of my twinnies, and we had lots of little 'kite' cupcakes too.

The invitations were kites, and we had extra printed to make the party bunting.

It was a super lovely day. Perfect, in fact :) Jenx

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Wow! Thanks for the great ideas! I love the kite cakes - it's a great idea for a party!


Kirsty on September 30, 2010 at 12:41 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I'd love some more info from the famous di-a-tribe. I think I will absolutely use this idea so info on where to buy bulk cheapish kites would be great and how about the info on how to make the windchime - that would rock my world.


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