Sunday, September 5

Sunday Baking Project: Raisin bread - have raisin toast for the week!

Well I'm guessing some of you may be baking today and perhaps some of you won't - you'll be out and about - I hope you're spoiling the Dads in your life.

The Dad in this house truly is so deserving of at least a sleep-in on Father's day.  Yesterday I gazed over at him as he played Disney Princess Snakes and Ladders with his three princesses and wondered what happened to that blokey-bloke I married..  he's still there - he's more tolerant, patient, demonstrative.  My girls have a wonderful Daddy that loves nothing more than spending time with them teaching them things - even if it does involve Disney princesses and that he actually enjoys watching the Parent Trap (shh don't tell him I told you that).

If you caught this on the Frils in the Hill Facebook this week - you would now agree, the guy with the goat-ee and the twins could easily pass for my hubby (well maybe not the socks and sandals...)

This bread is super easy, lovely and sweet, it toasts beautifully and makes your house smell wonderful whilst it cooks.  It's a dense loaf - so you really only need 1 piece for breakfast, which also means it goes a long way - smother with butter if you like!

1 cup milk
60 butter, softened
1 egg
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
3 cups plain flour
1 tsp yeast
3/4 cup raisins

Mix all ingredients except raisins in a bowl.  Mix, and then knead either by hand or machine for about 3 minutes in a machine, 10 minutes by hand.  Add raisins lastly and knead those in..

Leave to prove in a warm spot for about 1.5 hours - mine didn't exactly double, about 1 3/4...

Preheat oven to 170 degrees c

Put your dough into a greased loaf pan, and pop into the oven for about 60 - 70 minutes

Leave to cool before slicing.  I stored mine in an airtight container sliced, or what you could do is store it in ziplock bag/s for that odd breakfast here and there...

Enjoy toasted, with lashings of butter!

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