Friday, September 24

Season Savvy week 17 - Blueberries

Hello Friends and FRIDAY!

We've had a wonderful week this week, although last week was amazing, amazing AMAZING.  This week has been so great too - we've been home-based mainly but actually ticking things off the list, but nothing prepared me for the shock of yesterday!

Next two weeks are crazy again, school holidays - which is a double-edged sword... no need to be out the door by 9am most days but the dynamic of three can be tiring to say the least.  We have loads of activities planned too - both with the Seymour Centre and the Sydney Children's festival. Next week will be a mixed bag of posts but I'm really wanting to get some nice candid shots of the frills.

So, onto the blueberries...!  We use frozen blueberries year-round because as you know - they're super expensive!  But now they're coming into season and seriously a fresh blueberry - fruit of ye gods right?

So let's load up some recipes friends!

What is Season Savvy?
I'm all about using seasonal produce. When it's good. When it's plentiful, when it's cheap.

Each week I'm challenging you to use a particular piece of produce that is SEASONAL. Now if you're in a different season to me, don't panic. Maybe you have cooked something before with this ingredient, add it and play along....

Hopefully this way, we can use this as a bit of inspiration/education and show off what you can cook, and save some moulah!

So what do you need to do?
1. Find a recipe you love or a way you love to eat and cook with blueberries - it doesn't need to be the main ingredient, but it needs to be in the dish.. and it doesn't need to be fancy either!
2. Make it or find the link
3. Photograph it and/or share the recipe
(it doesn't need to be-step-by-step photos!)
4. Post your link down there with the Linkytool down below
5. Get visited, and visit other people's recipes!

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1 lovely comments:

Anita on September 24, 2010 at 11:03 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I'm not much one for recipes however; did you know that fresh blueberries freeze very readily? Just put them in their punnets straight into the freezer, I've had great success with defrosting them for eating (D loves them and like you say, they are expensive!)


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