Friday, October 9

FrillyFrugalFriday - Are you tempted by takeaway?

I love takeaway but it does not a lot for my mood as I don't like wasting money and it seldom tastes as good as it does at home anyway!    So I'm going to try REALLY hard not to do takeaway.  In fact I would prefer to put money that I would spend on takeaway into a separate fund for a 'date night' where we could splurge on a babysitter and a night out with hubby.  I think it would be money better spent and would be a big motivator to stop buying takeaway.  There's a few new restaurants I'd like to try out, so this is great motivation.

So to illustrate a point:

Hamburgers x 6 for our family + chips would be about $5.00 a hamburger = total = $35 (with chips)
at home = 13.00 - this includes oven fries and leftovers! (recipe coming up later today!)

Portuguese chicken burgers estimate $35 for family
at home = $15.60  - again this includes oven fries and leftovers

Pizza - 3 large pizzas $27 from Pizza hut
at home = $11.00 including gourmet toppings and a lunch of leftovers

These are just a few!  I am making it my mission to try and make something 'takeaway or resort-style' once a week instead of indulging in takeaway.  I know it takes a bit more time and there are just some times you need a break from cooking, but making meals in bulk will give me that break I need.
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4 lovely comments:

Katy on October 9, 2009 at 8:20 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I agree! The SimpleSavings newsletter had a great example of takeaway vs doing it yourself, and it's a good eye opener.

Unknown on October 9, 2009 at 9:47 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I am going to start doing this every Friday night.
Take Away @ Home + Lower in Fat :)
Tonight is Butter Chicken night

I find making pizza at home is SO expensive because we end up getting very gourmet ingredients (lots of sundried tomato, prawns, etc)

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I think that is a great idea - we might start doing this :)

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys on November 22, 2009 at 4:54 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

great idea I started making our own healthier hamburgers , though yummy pizza is still a work in progress.


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