Monday, October 19

Meal Plan Monday - stocked up and ready to go!

We did our monthly farmgate expedition on the weekend, it's a busy time.  I basically do a rough monthly meal plan and buy our meat from the abbatoir/butchery and a stock up of fruit and vegetables at the farm.  It's about 45-50mins drive to farmgate and rather than do lots of little shops locally, which cost a fortune and I'm not too sure where the food has actually originated, I like to do it at the farm - the fruit and veges last much longer too, they're not gassed or cold stored/frozen.

So I'm all stocked up, the freezer is full, the fruit ball and vege crispers are overflowing. I'm feeling very virtuous.

At the abbatoir I bought a side of lamb - Most of it was cut down but I cut it down a bit more but for $47 I got:
2kg leg of lamb
1.4kg grams diced lamb
800 grams lamb cutlets
1kg dog bones
400g lamb shank.

I think that's pretty good value and knowing it was grown, killed and butchered within 10km radius of my butchery I love knowing where my food is from.  I also got other stuff, but I won't bore you with that!  I couldn't recommend this butcher enough!

Here's my meal plan for this week:

Monday - BBQ chicken wings
Tuesday - Spanakopita
Wednesday - Doughy-dogs
Thursday - Cottage Pie
Friday - Meatloaf
Saturday - Beef Stroganoff
Sunday - Chorizo and Fennel Hotpot
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1 lovely comments:

Katy on October 19, 2009 at 1:13 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Another yummy week!


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