Wednesday, April 15

Coming to the bookshelf..'The Mumpreneur Diaries'

This one looks like a goodie - Morag Cuddleford-Jones a british Mum wrote this as a reflection of her experiences hopping off the 9-5 treadmill and starting a business from home after having her second child.

From the media kit: 'The Mumpreneur Diaries is one woman′s hilarious account of her struggle to make ends meet as a kitchen table tycoon. Determined not to return to office drudgery‚ Mosey frantically juggles the daily dramas and tensions of working from home with her husband‚ kids‚ family and friends. Will her marriage survive? Will her first child stop calling the childminder his ′second mummy′? Why doesn′t anyone want to buy her sideline in breastmilk testing strips? It′s enough stress to drive a woman to a solitary mid−afternoon glass of wine or two.'
Comes out May 1st. Harper Collins is the publisher - you can pre-order from your local bookstore - RRP $24.95

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1 lovely comments:

Chantelle {fat mum slim} on April 15, 2009 at 11:30 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

That looks like a great read. Want to go halves and both have a read? I'll go after you. x


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