Saturday, January 1

11 Things I'm looking forward to in 2011

1.  My babies start school - they are so excited and they are so ready
2.  New era for me personally - more time for me to focus on me
3.  Hubby and I celebrating 10 years as a couple (though 14 as friends) in March - we should mark that somehow..
4.  Dunk Island holiday in June
5.  Visiting family in Cairns in June
6.  Doing more markets this year - I've been enjoying them this year, so more of the same thanks!
7.  Watching my family grow up - by this time next year we'll have two six year olds and a seven year old - I'm guessing they'll all be old enough to take on the fireworks (didn't happen for us this new years)
8.  Returning to my SAP world (part-time) in July - I've missed it!
9. More financial freedom which happens with number 8
10. New laptop which also goes with number 8 (mine is 4 years old and very tired!)
11.  Turning 40 in July!  (Going to have a party!)

What are YOU looking forward to in 2011?

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3 lovely comments:

Christie on January 1, 2011 at 7:48 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

It's gonna be a great year for you Liss, I'm looking forward to sharing it with you!
(40, really?)

Corrie on January 1, 2011 at 1:29 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

way to go liss! it's going to be a huge year for lovely lady! all that time you won't have your twinnies at home to do things! can't wait to see what you get up to

I've done my new year 'goals' post - oh boy but the year all my kids are at school that will be an exciting year (and sad) but exciting!

Lily Mulholland on January 8, 2011 at 7:58 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Well snap! I turn 40 this year too. My oldest starts school this year - she is also VERY ready. Youngest is 2 though, so we're some way off that kind of freedom. I work fulltime, which is a great escape from housework, etc. Husband stays home with kids. I'm looking forward to the day too when he can go back to work. Living on one income is tough in this world!


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