Monday, January 10

Review: Disney's Tangled

Oh what would the school holidays be without an extra mortgage on the house so you can pay to go to the movies?  Jokes aside, it is an expensive little exercise with us spending over $100 to see the movie, get popcorn and drinks.

So I was feeling rather frugal and decided we had perfectly good sweets and popcorn at home - I love these nudie snack cups and they were $2.50 for 3 of them this week at Woolies so I stocked up!

We took popcorn, jellies, marshmallows, lollipops and some fruit.  And of course our drinks...

Some very excited girls ready for the movie to start!

Now Tangled is something that is at the top of every pre-teen girl must-see-movie list and hubby had promised that the week's good behaviour would be rewarded.   So we headed to the cinema, picked up our tickets and headed to our seats.   Soon enough another family with two girls sat beside us and the father joked with hubby in a very sarcastic tone: 'Have you been hanging out for this one too?'

These poor daddies of girls, they are subject to so much - barbie, my little ponies and disney princesses..

The movie as you might already know is about Rapunzel - who is stolen and locked away from her parents, the king and queen in a hidden fortress.   Now this Disney adaptation does divert from the original - and it is I have to say it - perfectly charming.  There's singing but not so much you are cringing.

In fact, one of my favourite scenes is at the Snuggly Duckling where we meet the pub thugs:

Hubby laughed SO hard in this movie.  I wondered at the end of it who enjoyed it more, him or the kids!  So it turns out in this case, Daddies don't have it so hard...

I enjoyed it too, it's a great holiday movie and something I would recommend taking your kids to - save the money (go on a Tuesday or half price day) make a day of it, pack your own popcorn and ENJOY.
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8 lovely comments:

Corinne (aka Rinny of Arabia) on January 10, 2011 at 12:19 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

We loved it too!

I almost collapsed on the floor when I asked for: "one adult, two kids, a small popcorn and a bottle of water" and they said: "That will be $57, please."

Super Sarah on January 10, 2011 at 12:35 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I took Amy to see it on Friday and we LOVED it! I laughed so hard that Amy told me to shush and then cried so hard at the end that she had to pat my leg. It was a rare and special treat and I can't wait for this one to come out on dvd!

Shell on January 10, 2011 at 12:42 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I hope we are going this weekend - I offered it as an incentive for good behaviour too - but the toy room needs to stay a bit tidier this week! Truth is I am hanging to see it myself. I told Charlotte that I would take her while Jassy is napping - then Daddy piped and said, "Maybe I could take her, who do you want to take you Charlotte?"... she said "Daddy!". I am devastated - so am now turning it in to a family outing! Let's hope Jassy sits still!

Unknown on January 10, 2011 at 12:49 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I'm taking my niece to see it next week and I can't wait! Neither can she, but that's really not the point... :)

We are lucky - our local cinema in Brisbane is only $8.50 and even less before 6pm and on Tuesday. Needless to say we go to the movies a lot! And most sessions are nearly always at 75% full or more. No guessing why!

Charmaine on January 10, 2011 at 12:52 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

We took our girls yesterday and all of us really enjoyed it, hubby included. Actually I was only going to take the girls but he said he wanted to come and watch too, since this is the last Disney princess movie to be produced. Sad... Like you, we also took our own snacks, fruits and drinks because I simply refuse to pay the high prices for stale popcorn and my girls do not drink fizzy drinks. Buying the tickets from work's social club meant we save too.

KH on January 10, 2011 at 1:53 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I loved Tangled. Even Daddy said he enjoyed it, and Alexandra loved it as well. I want a Maximus <3
We'll be buying the DVD for sure!

If you have a Palace cinema near you, check out their membership, very worth it if you go a few times. It cost us $26 for two adults and one child. And we took our own popcorn...though we did buy coffees!

Kat on January 11, 2011 at 12:12 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I took the girls with my mum on friday night and all absolutely loved it. I'm also afraid to admit I don't mind a sing along, a tiny fan of the musical numbers lol.

I refuse to pay cinema prices for chocolates and chips and will always grab some at the shops before hand. not quite as organised as yourself but you never know I may get there one day :)

Penelope on January 11, 2011 at 2:12 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Mum has a discount card so our tickets were $13 each (as the session was 3G so it had a $3 surcharge). Unfortunately Miss Two could not sit still so my husband took her out, but it was still worth it for all the
Giggles Miss 5, my 11 year old cousin and I got from it. Even the 3d surcharge was worth it watching Emily try to grab the lanterns :-)


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