These remind me of my teens, I think my Mum went though a stage of buying them but I do remember their sweet, soft inner and the almost sinful icing on top. Another blogger I know adores these and asked me some time ago if I had the recipe, mostly for the icing. The other day I thought I'd give it a go and success!
The thing with these, like the ones you buy from the bakery is, you need to eat it fresh. Like the day you make it... otherwise it goes a bit stale quickly. So make sure you've got a crowd to share it with or make little buns and freeze them un-iced.
475g plain flour
35g milk powder
75g caster sugar
2 1/2 tsp instant dry yeast
1 egg, lightly beaten
150ml lukewarm water
40g butter, cubed
1/2 cup currants + mixed peel (optional)
30g copha, melted
2 tb milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups icing sugar
+ coconut to top with
In a jug, mix your egg and water together. Set aside.

In a bowl, add the flour, milk powder, sugar, yeast, currants and mixed peel
Start mixing in the water and the egg, the dough will be sticky - but knead for about 4 minutes
Add the butter in cube by cube and continue to knead for another 6 minutes it well combined and quite elastic.
Place into a greased bowl and cover with clingfilm and allow to prove for about an hour or until it has doubled in size.
Preheat your oven to 180 degrees c
Grease a cake tin and roll out the dough into a long-ish sausage.
Roll dough into your tin and flatten down slightly to ensure it fits into all the corners.
Allow to rise a second time (it will only take about 40 minutes)
Bake for 35 minutes until browned on top.
Leave to cool and prepare your icing by whipping the melted copha with the icing sugar and vanilla until lovely and smooth.
Smooth over your bun with a spatula and sprinkle with desiccated or shredded coconut.
So, are you a fan of the boston bun?
Enjoy your Sunday all! xx
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3 lovely comments:
Oh how love Boston Bun. Now I have to wait for visitors otherwise I'd eat the whole thing. Yumm
Thank you so much for perfecting this recipe!
I've been waiting patiently knowing you'd crack the icing recipe.
I'm definitely going to try these :)
oh I am so going to try these out~ boston buns are one of my favourite sweet things in the world!
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