I'm not much of a cake decorator but it is something I'd like to improve upon. Making perfect cupcakes lovely and round on top like those on the cover of Planet Cake - they are so cute! I think it takes a lot of patience, skill and a tolerance for sugar. And a lot of colouring.
Today I have something for those aspiring cake decorators out there - I'm giving away 1 Planet Cake cake decorating book - it has all the tricks and tips to make lovely cakes and cupcakes that will have your friends asking where you bought them. Right? Maybe a good idea is to say 'a new little place I found' or you could find yourself being 'volunteered' for your best-friends-next-door-neighbours-cousin's-workmate's divorce cake. Whoops.

So this giveaway you qualify by:
- Leaving a comment and telling me what you love to bake
- Extra entry for tweeting the giveaway 'I'd love to win the Planet Cake book I saw at Frills in the Hills ( @frillyhills ) today http://bit.ly/gFxR4C '
- Share this on your facebook for another entry - be sure to tag Frills in the Hills on Facebook (@Frills in the Hills )
- This giveaway is available WORLDWIDE
- Entries close 18th January - midnight Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time
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41 lovely comments:
Baking is what I do, I love baking for others, birthdays any reason really.
I just love seeing people's reactions whenever I have made something different!
I adore making cupcakes, slices and biscuits for the kids lunchboxes. I really enjoy the being creative and decorating cupcakes.
With an almost 2 year old and, no doubt, future children yet to become part of our little family, cake making is a weekly activity. Birthday cakes are obviously the most special. I have fabulous memories of the wonderful birthday cakes my mum made for my two sisters and I growing up. We still talk about them today. The dolly varden, Castle cakes, bunny rabbits, Mickey Mouse, the jelly pool (that was hilarious) and even the cooker with the little pots and pans for my 6th birthday. My mum was not a professional cake decorator, these cakes were not designer perfect but perfect to us and made with love. We would spend weeks poring over mum's well used womens weekly cake book trying to decide which cake we would have for each of our upcoming birthday. I would love to have a book in my family that can be so well loved and start some new traditions.
I'm more a savoury than sweet person when it comes to cooking and baking... but I make a pretty good banana cake thanks to a recipe I got off some random forum somewhere. *lol*
I love baking with my 7 and 2 year olds - Timmy my 7 year old is a big fan of cupcakes, which invariably end up getting decorated with icing and lollies! My 2 year old loves 'helping', mostly putting batter all over the floor, and licking the beaters! Birthday cakes are a great tradition in my family, with my son looking through books, and requesting cakes months before his christmas eve birthday!!
I just love to bake :)
The last couple of years I have been making birthday cakes for my sons, my niece and my motherinlaw amongst others. I LOVE their reactions when they see the cake especially when it's a surprise!
Other than that I try and schedule a baking exercise each week with my oldest son, he really loves it. :-)
I love baking full stop! I love doing big batches of muffins and cakes for the freezer, something a bit special for guests or that extra special birthday. It doesn't always look like I want it to look but I'm having a lot of fun trying!
I enjoy baking bikkies, cakes, slices, anything sweet really. Not much of a decorator though, not enough patience to get it right. My husband has decorated all our daughters birthday cakes (and done a great job!).
Muffins because I hate to see food go to waste and older fruit is perfect ingredient.
Plus they are suppose to look rustic!
I LOVE to bake bread and slather it with LOTS AND LOTS OF BUTTER!!!!
My favourite foods to make is anything sweet! Like Mars Bar Slice!!! I love looking at cakes and wish I was that talented! Maybe one day! I would love to do a course!
What don't I love baking would be a much shorter answer - but my favourite thing to bake would be cupcakes, which is why I have been coveting this book for a VERY long time now! :)
I love baking and have catered for two 5 year old birthday parties in the last week with one more to go this weekend - for my own child of course! This would come in so handy.
I FB about this too: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000952149545
I love to bake my kids their birthday cakes, most of all. They give me a theme and i run with it. Ive made a praying mantis cake, a Thomas face cake, 3D Trains, caterpillars, robots... you name it! They love to see my creations and i love to have my creativity challenged!
At the moment I like to bake new recipes that I find. I'm really interested in finding things that are low sugar and fat and that I can make without having to go shopping for all sorts of new ingredients... I'm baking fruity snacks for my little toddely girl.
If you had seen my birthday cake efforts to date you would know that I NEED to win this! LOL
I like baking cookies and cupcakes best because my kids love them.
I love to bake everything and anything (gluten free). I recently made a dairy and gluten free cake for a friends b-day (as I am coeliac and she is dairy intolerant). I don't think people bake her dairy free cakes often so it felt great :)
At the moment my favourite thing to bake is banana loaf. It's quick and easy to make, which means my girls can help me with it and that makes it a very special time for all of us.
Cupcakes but any cakes too.
Muffins! I started baking them due to an allergy to milk (I use soy instead) & I couldn't stand to eat another processed museli bar for breakfast. They're quic, easy, economical & you can freeze them! Win Win!
I love to bake different varieties of muffins, slices and biscuits. I also love birthday party time as I have had so much fun making the birthday cakes for my eldest son including a 3D duck cake, an Elmo cake and a number 3 "Cars" racetrack cake. Looking forward to my youngest sons 1st birthday next month as Im planning on making a circus tent cake complete with animals made from icing - that should be fun!!! This book from Planet Cake looks awesome. I would love to make the handbag cake for my milestone birthday party later this year ;)
I love to bake chocolate cakes, slices and dabble in the kid's birthday cakes. I could certainly do with some tips and ideas for the kid's cake decorating!
I love to bake slices and desserts
I love to bake and create cakes for my family and friends. I'm quickly becoming the "Go To" girl for all family birthdays. Planet Cake would be a brilliant tool to "Wow" the family.
I love baking everything! My freezer is always stocked with muffins, cakes etc for lunchboxes and for when those unexpected quests drop in.
I just love baking!! Great giveaway, Liss!!!e
I love baking any chance I get but usually icing is a reserved for birthdays and other special occasions--how great to be able to use natural colourings to be able to off-set all the sugar! Thanks for bringing this great production to my attention.
I love to do any sort of cooking. My boys James (5) and Harrison (3) love to help me make cakes, I think this is because they get to lick the bowl at the end♥
I love baking cookies, Cornflake cookies with sultanas are the fave of the month
Ever since I found the best gluten free cookie cutter dough recipe, I cannot make enough of them. Oh and cupcakes, I love making cupcakes.
I love love love to bake anything with Cinnamon in it. Oooooo the smell and the taste - soooo homey - one of life's simple pleasures.
My fav thing to make at the moment though is White choc, coconut, cinnamon and walnut cookies, yummo.
My favourite thing to bake at the moment are Cinnamon Scrolls. MMMMMMM.
My favourite things to bake are cupcakes (mostly because of the fun in decorating them) and biscuits (because I love to try different mix-ins like smarties or macadamias..)
Kate1485 at hotmail.com
I tweeted about it;
Kate1485 at hotmail.com
Oh pick me! Have picked up the plant cake books countless times and put them back as not a 'sensible' purchase right now. Will promise to give it a very good home where it will be dog eared and sticky in no time!
Hey there! I love to bake lots of yummo treats from cupcakes, to cakes and slices and caramel scrolls. My fingers are crossed:)
I love to bake! When I'm thinking of sweet baking I especially love to bake more old fashioned things and all the sweet treats my Grandma (sadie) used to make when we were kids (neenish tarts, butterfly cakes, chocolate eclairs, match sticks etc).
The Planet Cake books are fabulous - my sister made an amazing bday cake for my nephew last year using one of the PC books. She'd never used fondant icing and because of their excellent instructions it turned out like it was made by a professional!
I love to bake - trying new things, there usually the only things I cook that I have any success with - only problem - nobody in my family eats sweet things - heres hoping that my son likes the sweets
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