Friday, November 12

Leaving on a jet plane...

Hello and welcome to Friday!

Whilst you are reading this I'm either on my way to the airport, on a plane or in the tropics.  Either way I'm guessing you're rather be where I am - and that's OK! I've taken a very unplanned and last minute trip up to  Cairns to visit with my parents and catch up with my sister, my nieces and my brand new niece who was born only a few weeks ago.  I can't wait.

It's certainly weird not going somewhere with my frills.  Last night I must have checked my bags 1 gadjillion times to check I hadn't forgotten anything, because it didn't seem like I was taking enough... weird.   Another weird thing is going to be tonight when I am tucked up in bed, by myself, with no children and my parents in the same house.  I'll feel like the kid again. Weird right?

I'm hoping I'll get more sleep. I'll have some swims in their pool, catch up with my bestie (yes, they're ALL moving up there, you'd think I was from Cairns, but no, they've all defected) She will undoubtedly singing with her band somewhere (read: pretend I'm a carefree single gal again) hopefully I'll snaffle some recipes.... to share with you all next week.  Oh and I'll be sweating.  Oh my it's going to be humid!

I'll be missing my babies, missing my puppy, and missing my hubby but it's only a few days and we'll all be back to normal before we know it, same goes for here...!  See you later with some snaps of FNQ! 

P.S.  I'll have a cocktail for you too, what are you having?

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7 lovely comments:

PinkPatentMaryJanes on November 12, 2010 at 7:19 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Lovely! Have an absolutely wonderful time x

Shell said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Have a great time.
You absolutely must head to the Marina and the Waterbar Grill... then have a Waterbar Martini- Kaffir Lime and Lemongrass infused vodka with apple and lychee liquer - droooooool.
They also had one of the best Caprioska's I have ever had (I had the chilli!)

Nisha on November 12, 2010 at 10:26 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Hope you have a great break! Try to get some relaxation in please, just try. The pool and cocktails sound awfully tiring!

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Oh wow - a vacation from everything including my kids... I haven't had one of those for 3 and 1/2 yrs. I so envy you! Relax, rest and have a blast.


ps - have something frothy and girlee with an umbrella in it for me. You know the ones you don't taste the alcohol until it's too late kind of drinks!

this jen day on November 12, 2010 at 6:49 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Oh, lucky you!!! enjoy xx

Mrs Catch on November 13, 2010 at 11:51 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

NQ's my native habitat! Born and bred there. Have a great time before it gets too hot!

Mammamusing on November 14, 2010 at 12:05 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I hope you're having a wonderful time away and please enjoy a cocktail for me!


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