Now, I've got to be honest, even though I cook with sausages and mince on a regular basis I was a little stumped to think of a lot recipes to make with them. So I was intrigued when the lovely team over at Kaotic Kitchen approached me to review their cookbook, devoted to mince ... and... sausages.
Well I am impressed. Mums, you want this cookbook.
Uni students or anyone on a budget, you want this cookbook.
Look, I'm telling you - buy this cookbook!
Amanda and Sally met each other in the playground where their kids attended the same school. Amanda's stepson would spend afternoons with Sally's family until she finished work each day, and when she came in each weekday for the pick up - she saw what Sally was preparing each night, and the conversation and adventure started there.
Pros: Lots of pictures (we love pictures!) and they're big and glossy. The recipes use every day ingredients, nothing is too fussy, but it all looks like it can be on any family's kitchen table. Good variety of dishes too.
Cons: Probably that it's not widely available. But seeing as you are such savvy internet people, you can buy yours direct and online here.
Cost: $18.95
ISBN: 9780646522616
GOOD NEWS FOR YOU: Kaotic Kitchen have sent me three copies to give away! More details below after road test!
Road test: Pork, pumpkin and sage casoulet
This is first of two road tests I did with this book, and it far exceeded my expectations. As soon as it was eaten, I wanted to eat it again. Even if you're not a fan of pork sausages, I urge you to give this one a try, it will have you licking your plate!
500gr pumpkin, peeled and sliced
2 tbs olive oil
12 pork sausages (I used a few more, it works!)
2 tbs butter
1 tsp crushed garlic (I used 1 clove finely chopped)
1 onion, thickly sliced (I used a red one, use what you like :) )
3 tbs chopped fresh sage (or 1 1/2 tsp dried sage)
1 tbs dijon mustard
300ml chicken stock
400g tin butter beans
Preheat oven to 200 degrees c (180 fan forced)
Boil (or steam the pumpkin for 5 minutes) and place on a greased oven tray. Place in the oven until crispy.

Heat the oil in a frypan and brown the sausages for about 3-4 minutes. Remove from pan and set aside.
Add butter, garlic and onion to the frying pan. Cook for 1-2 minutes until onions have softened.
Add the sage, mustard, butterbeans and chicken stock, stir well until all combined.
Return the sausages to the frypan, bring to the boil and then let simmer for 15 minutes.Serve with the roasted pumpkin, enjoy!
How do I enter?
Boring bits
How do I enter?
- Leave a comment here with what your favourite sausage or mince recipe is!
- Extra entry if you tweet about this competition [ See road test and win one of three Kaotic Kitchen cookbooks @frillyhills 's blog! RT to food lovers! ] 1 entry allowed per day.
- Extra entry Become a fan of Kaotic Kitchen on Facebook and write on their wall: I found you from !
Boring bits
- Enter from today - ends next Wednesday 2nd June 2010 midnight.
- Entries with Australian postal addresses only please. (Intl people, there will be one for you soon, promise!)
- If I can't track you back to your blog through your comment, only entries supplying an email address on the comment or via my contact (contact me on menu bar) can be accepted.
- Winner announced Thursday, 3rd June 2010.
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52 lovely comments:
As I stare at the calendar reminding me that another child is having a birthday, I guess the favourite sausage recipe would have to be the humble snag in bread with sauce. Of course, you can jazz it up a bit with a nice chunky relish, caramelised onions and flavoured sausages... but the memories of going to BBQs or the beach as a kid and wolfing a snag in bread with sauce down are just priceless. It must be a powerful memory for many of us - check out a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle any weekend, they're usually doing a roaring trade!
(my email won't come up but you have it anyway!)
My favourite would probably be the crumbed sausages we had growing up, cooked under the griller on the oven, and always served with tomato and onion gravy. Yum. Either that or curried sausages. Then again, I love most sausage heh.
-Elizabeth (
I'm a big fan of quality pure pork sausages, which I serve with mashed potatoes and onion gravy.
I cook my maternal grandma's Spag Bol recipe for my wife and two girls (3 and 1). Now its not letter for letter, but that is half the fun of passing down recipes! My mum taught me the exact way but I now add all the sneaky veges for the sake of the kids. Diced Capsicum, Finely grated carrot, five bean mix and even zucchini! They love it and it might even do them some good!
I rather like Jamie Oliver's Sausage Pasta from Cooking with Jaimie and his Quick Sausage Meatballs from Jamie at Home...the book looks fabulous!
This isn't an entry but I swear that is Olivia on the cover!
Ohhhh... that has brought back some lovely memories. My fave sausage dish has to be my mum's toad in the hole (last eaten approx 25 years ago and 12,000 miles away in Scotland.) Now I must email her to ask for the recipe.....
My favourite mince recipe is Chow Mein...out of a little handmade Kindergarten cookbook from a small town near where I grew up!
Thanks Liss! My favourite mince recipe is what I call Beth's chicken (put can be pork mince too). I am sure it is actually just like larb gai though...lots of mint and coriander and garlic and ginger and chilli and DELICIOUS...
this is embarrassing! we don't eat meat at home when I'm not pregnant but when I'm pregnant I love to eat sausages...and my favourite.....a good old sausage on a barbie served in sourdough bread and with some homemade tomato relish. I have been known to go back to the bbq for a second sandwich - but only when pregnant! When I'm not pregnant its vegie sausages for me but my kids love sausages!!!!!!!!
We make a really yummy pasta with lamb and rosemary sausages squeezed out of their casing as a substitute for mince, saffron, rosemary, and fetta. It's one of our favourite go-to recipes when we're short on time or inspiration, although we've really taken to using sausages as mince substitutes lately. There are so many lovely flavours on offer at your local butchers nowadays! - Lauren (
Hi Liss! Well whaddya know, I've just put one of my favourite mince recipes up on my blog...(great minds and all that) home made Sausage Rolls with pork mince. Yummy!
My favourite sausage recipe is my mum's curried sausages. Served with white rice a big steaming bowl brings back memories of childhood winters. Yum! (
This decision is too hard! I love sausages and mince!!
I must admit if I buy sausages though, I can't go buy Jamie's Best Bangers and Mash with Red Onion Gravy. Made it so many times, I don't even look at the recipe any more :)
I have joined Kaotic Kitchen on Facebook - and no doubt you will see my tweets ;)
Shell xox
My favourite mince recipe is spag bol if for no other reasons the veggies you can hide in it! My record number is 8 - and the kids could find 2!
My fave is DEFINITELY devilled sausages in the slow cooker. You know, the Maggi ones?
Potato bake with cooked sausage through.
Have tweeted.
Will blog and link.
Thank you for this opportunity!
oh and 'liked' on FB!
Right now, at this particular point in our life, this book would be a bloody Godsend!
I would like to win this book for my Mummy because she loves sausages. I don't know what a recipe is....although Mummy does tell me that I'm so cute she could eat me all up.
Lilli x
My favourite is the oven baked sausage and red wine risotto that me and Chris are now addicted to!
What a fantastic book I need it! At the moment my fave mince recipe is turkey burgers. They are so delish!!
A couple of weeks ago Rhiannan made scones, they turned out more like little rocks. She'd followed the recipe herself, so I thought I'd test the recipe. It was a horrid recipe - way too much liquid so of course by the time you stuffed around fixing the consistency of the dough it was over handles and therefore totally unsuitable for scones. So mine turned out hard too, though mostly the bottom half. Yesterday I baked cookies with black bottoms (ie, burnt.) So I was thinking how funny it would be to have an anti-kitchen-goddess blog and imagining calling it "Kitchen Kaos and Catastrophes", then to stumble upon the Kitchen Kaos book here. Quirky!
Anyway - we do a LOT of sausages and mince here; they're hard to ruin and we can rely on the kids eating them (almost) every time. My favourite is Devilled Sausages with grated apple and sultanas (the kids won't eat sultanas though) made with a recipe base that I'm sure would not make it anywhere near your shopping list Liss! ;)
I read this as:
Kaotic Kitchen Mince! (and sausages).
Hehe, gave me a giggle.
I love mince and sausages and this book looks right up my alley.
Thinking about other favourite receipes today and one of my favourite mince recipes is your Swedish Meatballs! I usually make such a huge batch that I have several meals worth frozen and ready to go. This week has been... interesting and I don't have any left. Oh, dear... what a shame... I'll have to go buy more mince and make another batch soon! :)
My favourite recipe with mince is meatballs, nice on their own or in sauce, either way kids love them so a great all round meal!
My sister gave me a wonderful recipe using italian sausages and you cut the skin off and cut the sausage meat into meatballs and then cook them with rice and lots of other yummy spices and things and it tastes really good, honestly, but I don't actually know what the recipe is called - does that matter? :)
My favourite sausage recipe is Tomato and Sausage Risotto using herb and garlic sausages for extra flavour. Yummy and easy family meal!!
It's incredibly difficult to go past good old bangers and mash for me. Ever since I had some in an English pub a few years ago, it turned a lover, into an addict!
Big, fat english sausages, with fried onion, creamy potato mash and gravy. It's the simple things that provide the most comfort and the most pleasure.
We are big fans of the good old mince in this household, we love Chilli con carne and spag bog is always a favourite.
Definately would have to be curried sausages cooked in the crockpot with onions, garlic, tinned tomatoes, whatever vegies I have around and coconut cream, tastes delicious and makes the house smell wonderful too!!!
My fave mince recipe is good old Spag Bol. Yes, I love it - it's comfort food at its best but mostly I love that I serve it up and the kids leap on it, eat every single tiny bit, beg for seconds and that on Spag bol nights there are never any complaints about what's for dinner :)
My family (especially my step daughter) nearly almost BEGS me to make my version of spag bog. Contains grated carrot and zucchini (for the goodness). Plus I add a few extra ingredients. It's seriously delicious!
I love san choy bow. That's my fave. xx
I'm always searching for yummy mince and sausage recipes I think I may have to go out and get this book!
I am so in the mood for meatloaf tonight. So yummy when served with garlic and parmesan mashed potatoes and steamed vegies, but equally as yummy when sliced and in a sandwich the next day.
Mmmm... meatloaf. :)
I think I need to change my mind. We had a bit of a mince weekend this weekend - I made sausage rolls from pork mince with fennel seeds, cumin, wholegrain mustard for lunch, and we also made lamb spanikopita for dinner. All absolutely delicious, and amazingly inexpensive! We've even got enough sausage rolls left over for a lunch next weekend!
- Lauren (
My fav sausage recipe is sausage casserole, made in the slow cooker with onions, a tin of tomato soup, some stock and other such yumminess. It is awesome delicious winter comfort food, and can be served with rice, couscous or pasta.. or just eaten alllll byyyyy itttseeelllfffff.
My fave snag recipe is bangas and mash. Best quality AC snags, creamy mash and a perfect gravy. Simple, timeless and always the best.
WE are big sausage eaters so this book would be sooooo great.
Have also tweeted!
Thanks to Shell I've now got a hankering for grilled sausages, lashings of thick onion gravy, mashed potato and minted peas. Yummo! (
I have two fav sausage dishes, its so hard to choose which is my favourite favourite! Curried sausages (made with dutch curry soup mix) and oven baked bangers and mash with onion gravy!
Lasagne! That's another thing that will have to be worked into my next fortnights menu plan as the kids and I love it! I'm sure it wouldn't surprise you to hear that I am quite generous with the bechamel sauce so my beef lasagne is always oozing with cheesy goodness. Another favourite comfort food!
Oh, and bonus comment/entry... I'd give a copy to my sister in law if I could. She's lovely but is only just learning how to cook. My brother was doing all the cooking but his work hours have changed which means she now has to come up with something edible! The funniest phone calls I've had have been her with various questions about cooking basic stuff like sausages. She's getting the hang of it now, but an easy to use recipe book would be great for her!
I love love Shepherds Pie, especially in winter, and with lots of peas, and mini meatballs in a fragrant home-cooked herb and tomato sauce served with pasta and a salad is also really yummy. Thanks for a fantastic giveaway.
Bangers and mash is a big favourite in this household, although I would love to try out some variations on the mash. I buy chipolatas for my son from the local butcher and he loves them.
What a perfect book to keep ideas flowing and variety on our meal plans!
My favourite mince dish would have to be Mexican Tortilla Stack (
Full of vegies and fibre, the kids love it too! I usually double the mince component, so we can use half for the tortilla stack, and half for burritos.
I have two favourites - one for sausages and one for mince.
My favourite sausage one is a quick and easy mid-week dish that I do frequently. It's a Jamie Oliver Papardelle, Spicy Sausage Meat and Mixed Wild Mushrooms (although my version is not as upmarket - I just use swiss browns). We get fabulous sausages from Merino butchers in the Central Market for this one.
My favourite mince dish is the Middle Eastern Lamb Loaves by Belinda Jeffrey. These are so gorgeous hot or cold (esp the next day sliced for sandwiches - I always make 2)
I have two favourites - one for sausages and one for mince.
My favourite sausage one is a quick and easy mid-week dish that I do frequently. It's Jamie Oliver'a Papardelle, Spicy Sausage Meat and Mixed Wild Mushrooms (although my version is not as upmarket - I just use swiss browns). We get fabulous sausages from Merino butchers in the Adelaide Central Market for this one.
My favourite mince dish is the Middle Eastern Lamb Loaves by Belinda Jeffrey. These are so gorgeous hot or cold (esp the next day sliced for sandwiches - I always make 2)
My all time favourite mince dish and memory is of my Grandfather's extra large and flat home made hamburgers. They were AMAZING and were a hit with not just me, but everyone who was lucky enough to ever try them! He loved the fact that I loved them so much, and would make them at every opportunity for me. Being so young though, I never thought to get the recipe or watch him make them. Now, sadly, it's too late, as he's passed! If I had a wish, it would be to spend an afternoon in the kitchen with him, making his fabulous home made hamburgers. I've never tried anything quite like them, or as good.
I gave spaghetti and meatballs a try for the first time tonight. Took just over 40 minutes all up including cooking time. Definitely a new favourite here! (
Mmm... hamburgers! Nice juicy patties with beef mince (and some sneakily hidden vegies!) bound together with the family secret recipe... hint: tomato relish is good. Grilled to perfection and slid onto a lovely fresh sourdough bun with crisp lettuce, red onion rings, juicy homegrown tomatoes and some thin slices of brie or camembert (some people have distinct favourites!) on the meat patty so they start to melt a little. Yum!
Can you give more info on your recipe, thanks
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