Saturday, May 15

Ku-ring-gai Wildlife Reserve - Bush Birthday Parties

It's amazing what you don't know about your own backyard sometimes isn't it?  Last weekend Eloise was invited to a birthday party of a classmate and I took along my camera, as you do, because usually the parents are too busy to take their own - well I don't anyway!

What I wasn't prepared for was such a great little find!  Ku-ring-gai council run various programs for kids including the bush birthday party with a variety of themes : Fairies,  creepy crawlies, bush detectives (which we did) and many more.  You can bring your own food, and there is a kitchen for food storage and preparation (you will need to bring plates/utensils etc).  

There's also school holiday programs which are SUPER affordable and gets the kids in the fresh air.  I so love this place, it's a winner!

So here's our little report!

The sign on the way in foreshadowed the wow factor of the place - super organised too.

Our ranger for the day meets everyone, everyone gets a name tag and we talk about how much we know about national park etiquette:  noise levels, removal of stuff, general bushwalking safety.  It's friendly and warm and the guy is a pro at keeping a captive audience!

Then it's getting up close and personal to wildlife - guessing what it is... (Blue tongued lizard)

The coolness of a stick insect - plus we also learned about cockroaches and got to touch a snakes skin and learn about how and why they shed their skins.

Then it's time to start our bushwalk (yes, wear some walking shoes)

First we stop off at pond and we're armed with a container, a net with a long pole and an identity kit - where we find out about the ecology of the pond - and catch ourselves some tadpoles.  Cool!

Then we continue the bushwalk for about 30 minutes and we duck and weave, we find nests for both birds and possums, walk through a simulated rainforest and learn what's so special about rainforests and their ecology.

Lastly we learn about different berries/fruit in the bush and guess which ones are poisonous and which ones aren't - everyone including the adults got most of them wrong! (note to self, don't eat ANYTHING in the bush ;) )  We also are allowed to souvenir something from the ground, peculiarly, no bigger than your hand...

Then it's back to the HQ to use our souvenirs in our clay scultpures!

Then it was time to eat and have birthday cake!  Great party!

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4 lovely comments:

Sarah on May 15, 2010 at 5:54 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Hi Liss,

How lovely - what a great place for a party. Looks like the children had a great time!


P.S. Your crumpets look fab!

Diminishing Lucy on May 15, 2010 at 7:18 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Oh gorgeous photos! They look like they had a ball!

My in-laws live within the national parl (Coasters Retreat) so I knew about this, but had forgeotten about it: thanks for the reminder - we are having a week with the in-laws in July so I might investigte further....thanks!

Unknown on May 15, 2010 at 12:55 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

It is fabulous, isn't it! My Lottie had her birthday party there last year and I think we will go back again for my sons. We have had cousins parties there too, so it has become a real family favourite.

Sarah. Splish Splash Designs on May 15, 2010 at 4:05 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Great idea.

It's funny that you posted this today, because I was chatting to my mum earlier and we thought we were so clever to think that we could have a "bush walking party" when Jack turns 4. Seems we aren't so clever afterall!! lol


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