Thursday, January 6

Now, tell me.... who wants to win a KitchenAid Artisan Mixer?

If your eyes bugged out of your head and you start internally or externally screaming 'me, ME!!!'  read on!!

KleenexMums has launched a new competition which will run monthly with a different theme each month - asking readers to submit a recipe.  This month the theme is BARBEQUE and the prize is a KITCHENAID ARTISAN valued at $795!!

Now it's no secret, I have an artisan and I use it often and of course, I love love love it.  So I don't need to enter.    Another good reason I can't enter is because I'm judging, making a few of the recipes and announcing the winner.  It wouldn't exactly be fair if I entered would it?

But you can enter!  Isn't this a wonderful 2nd birthday present to all of you?  You can thank me later - now GET CREATING!!  Practice on the weekend and of course perfect your recipe for Australia day!

Next week I'll give you some of my tips of photographing your food - I'm no pro but I've learned a few things along the way... ask me any questions you like!

Here's the link!  Good luck!
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