Saturday, February 20

SnapHappy Saturday: Sunny days with paint

I'm a bit of a mean mum sometimes, whist I encourage colouring in the with pencils, crayons and textas on cold, rainy days - painting is just not an activity I offer indoors.  I'm just not at peace with it, and I think with painting, you want your kids to not have to worry too much about where the paint goes.  And that's half the fun isn't it?

So sunny days, I set up 6 pages of butchers paper, with names on top (two each) and tape them to my oilcloth tablecloth on the large outdoor table under our sail shade.  Pots of paints at the ready and three excitable frills I let them loose to find their names/pieces of paper and get to work.

Hope you have a lovely (sunny) weekend!

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2 lovely comments:

Christie on February 20, 2010 at 9:28 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Gee you are organised for a Saturday morning!
Now I feel like a mean mum, I only allow watercolour paints!

Jess on February 20, 2010 at 8:47 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Thats not mean.. its clever! I cant wait for little Issy to be big enough to be able to paint without painting everything in sight. I will follow your lead with the pots of paint etc..!


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