Thursday, January 1

I'm Melissa, but everyone calls me Liss. 
Well that's unless you're one of my kids (aka 'The Frills') they call me Mama or Mummy. 

I don't do things by halves
One week after I got married to my GSH (Gorgeous Sexy Husband) we discovered we were going to be parents.

At our first anniversary lunch, 3 month old Eloise came along

We didn't go out for our second anniversary, because I was too tired - that happens when you have a 15 month old and are 6 months pregnant with twins doesn't it?

So, needless to say, parenthood has been a little intense.  3 babies under 2 is enough to well and truly break your spirit but I'm pleased (and proud!) to say it made us stronger as a couple and although a little intense at the beginning, is starting to pay off dividends  - meaning the frills  share similar interests from an early age and we are not waiting for the 'baby to grow up'.  It gives us much more freedom these days.

Today our frills are 5, 4 and 4.  Full of mischief and truly delightful.  They are our pride and joy.

I love to cook 
I used to hold regular dinner parties, social barbeques, gatherings.  Dinner parties are not so frequent but I do still  love to cook for people.  It's an extension of who I am.  I love great produce.  I love experimenting.  I involve my kids in my cooking and hope they grow up with the love of food like I have.  Largely due to both my parents being fantastic in the kitchen.

I love trying new things.  Luckily, so does my family because I they don't get a choice.   I'm a self-confessed cookbook JUNKIE.  I buy all the cooking magazines.  It's not a problem..... (unless you ask my hubby)

and to that end..
.. I love to eat.  I love that we grow our own vegetables and that our kids have a firm understanding abot where food comes from.  We shop directly at farmgate for produce and abbatoir for our meat, and other than that try to buy all Australian produce.  It's not always possible, but where there's a choice, there's no choice.

Hubby and I love to eat out, we used to do it alllllot. 

I cook where I can from scratch - and find much joy in creating something I'd usually buy and not only save money doing so, I can then make it when I feel like it!  I am a contributor to Make it From Scratch - check it out!

Why 'Frills in the Hills'?..
In June 2007  we moved here to Terrey Hills.  We needed some room to grow with three little girls and hubby was a country boy yearning to get out of the 'Big Smoke'.  Terrey Hills was a great compromise as I am the 'city girl' and was still close-ish to the city and work opportunities and we now have a country-town atmosphere for the kids to grow up in.  It's a wonderful community. 

My blog is my outlet
I started a blog as I had briefly gone back to work, and realised that the GFC and missing my kids isn't really a stable family life.  Plus, they are only little once.  So I have given up work for a little while (I love my work I am lucky!) so I can stay at home with my frills.  I started to record things I didn't want to forget.  Soon enough it has evolved into my personal cookbook, nostalgia and also a place in cyberspace to have a 'brain dump'.  I hope you don't mind!

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14 lovely comments:

Chantelle {fat mum slim} on March 2, 2010 at 9:01 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

This might just be the best About Me page I've read. It's so good. You look beautiful and I love your story. xx

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I have to agree with Chantelle, lovely x

Siobhan on April 13, 2010 at 9:23 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

A friend led me to ur blog, I read ur About Me and love your way of life, you seem lovely with lovely children. I'm aiming to blog also and lead a more healthier life by growing my own veggies etc. I'll be reading! xxx

Corrie on April 13, 2010 at 5:38 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

ahhhh so nice to find your blog! adding you to my favourites now especially as you're a beaches girl too!!!!!!

wow 3 under 2! I thought 3 under 3 was pretty full on but at least it makes 4 under 5 which I'll have in october a walk in the park! the older they are the more independant they are so it doesn't bother me, it only seems to bother other people wondering how I'll copy! nothing could be as bad as newborn twins again! oh my!!!!!!!

lovely blog and I'll be back

El on April 22, 2010 at 9:23 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Hi Melissa,
it was lovely to come across your blog today and see my favourite cupcake boxes on an old post, if I can get them again I will let you know. Its great to see your focus on fresh food, growing food and cooking from scratch.
So from one Liss to another, well done!
Sugar Daddy's cake design .

Charlie and Tango on a Sunday on June 3, 2010 at 10:44 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Wow, you certainly don't do things in halves! Your girls are just gorgeous!
Catarina x

Denyse Whelan. on July 24, 2010 at 7:26 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Hi Liss,
I am following you on fb & found your blog via mamamia. Your blog's name, design, "feel" is so generous and like a big, warm hug!!
What a busy lady you are ...I suspect you secretly love the "busyness" too..but you are such a kind sharer to fellow twits and more.
I'm a 60 year old (ex northern beaches ) but cooking for family has been a joy and privilege inherited from my late mum.
Recently having lost my desire to cook/create through the deterioration in my hubby's health I am gradually realizing that I need to cook and nurture this way as an outlet for me.
So today I decided to buy ingredients (& variations) to make the bacon & zucchini slice (your cake) tomorrow.
Thanks for helping me in this indirect way!!
I'll give you a wave next time I'm driving to see my dad at Balgowlah Heights!!
Love, Denyse aka Denwise1 on twitter

MultipleMum on August 19, 2010 at 12:29 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Visiting from Blog This. What a wonderful story! I too have twins and other kids all close together. Glad to see you have made it through the maze of the early years. It gives me hope!

Wendy on September 1, 2010 at 9:13 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I have just spent the past two hours going through your blog. it is simply one of the best blogs I have found. I really like the way you write. I feel like you are sitting across the table and having a cuppa with me. So much to interest me and I don't have little ones any more. Grand Children though. I have added your blog on my favs list and look forward to more awesome recipes. Cheers, Wendy

Veronica on October 4, 2010 at 11:35 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

OMG This is my life exactly (except the career is a bit different). I have a daughter Eloise (aged 4) and twin sons Jamie and Nicholas (soon to be 3). I feel we are just emerging from three years of not knowing which way is up. This has inspired me.

katie said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Hi Melissa,
I "liked" your page through a friends recommendation and have been madly printing out your recipies ever since.. I have only now just clicked on your about me page, and let me say, you are one awesome woman.. having three kids so close together is no mean feat.. My two cherubs are 2.5yrs apart and sometimes that pushes my boundaries! Thanks for sharing all your ideas etc.. am so happy that I liked your page..


Patricia said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

What an amazing blog..I am looking forward to being a regular visitor! Lovely to meet you.

Jane said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Hi, I am another Mum of 3 kids under 2 who are now about to turn 19 (my Eloise) and 17 (Tom and Sam) - your story resonated strongly with me! Wasn't my plan to do it that way - number one a very much planned and long awaited fertility treatment baby and two and three a BIG surprise as was their 12 week premature delivery three days before their sisters 2nd birthday! enjoyed looking at your blog! Jane

Renie said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Just discovered your blog. Wonderful!My girls are 18 and 22 now! Love your story and am inspired by you. You've given me the inspiration to go out and start that veggie garden I've been meaning to. Look forward to reading more! xxx


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