Saturday, January 24

The feat to beat the heat

Well unless you haven't been in Sydney this week, and you haven't read my blog this week (shame on you!) aaaand you haven't seen any Australian news this week - it's been FRRREEAKING hot.

Today being no exception... 38.2 degrees when we got home from a trip out to Richmond this morning - which I am positive was well over 40 degrees.

We went out to a new shopping centre we felt might give us a break from the heat (yay for airconditioning) but found the only airconditioning was actually in the comfort of our car! The highlight of the day for my husband was actually the carpark believe it or not. (I know!) It had sensors above each carspace so you could see from a distance which were free (green light) and occupied (red light). It does ease a lot of frustration.

Anyhoooo... so we did our shopping and then headed home, dropped off some of our farm-finds to my Nan and sister and then headed down to Manly for an unscheduled dinner at one of our old haunts Wood and Stone. It's pretty reasonably priced, and good for sharing. Even better if you have an Entertainment book (Yay for 25% off!) The kids enjoyed colouring in their menu and we enjoyed the southerly breeze that flowed through the restaurant and cooled it down 15 odd degrees.

Then we headed to Royal Copenhagen for yummy ice-cream. A well-earned treat and again, thanks for 2 for one Entertainment book! Would recommend it to anyone - we've got at least 3x the value of initial purchase back, and there's still 5 months left to use it! We'll be getting it again! If you fundraise for any organisation, it's a good little earner too - I prefer to buy it from a charity (like the Cancer Council for example) that way you're doing it for a good cause

Anyhoo I had choc mint and devils chocolate, Adam had Royal Copenhagen flavour (like a malty toffee) and maple macadamia which he raved about. The little ladies had strawberry or vanilla... enjoyed it immensely, even right down to cleaning their filthy hands in the nearby water fountains.. oops.

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4 lovely comments:

Lisa on January 24, 2009 at 11:56 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Went to Rouse Hill didn't you?? We were there today too!
Lee :)

Liss on January 25, 2009 at 12:01 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Yes! No secrets from you hehe! How HOT was it there? Omigod!!

Emily on January 25, 2009 at 10:18 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Looks like you had fun despite the heat. I can't wait til the girls are old enough to go on outings like that, I can't even begin to imagine taking them all to a restaurant at the moment lol

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I blogged about how wonderful Rouse Hill is a little while ago too - I absolutely loved it! We dawdled around the carpark for ages watching all the lights and making sure they changed appropriately (and within a decent time frame) which they did. Amazing! :P


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