Wednesday, June 29

A bit on the side: Potato and ham smash

Oy.  If I were Jewish I'm sure I'd be saying that every second 'oying' word.  Yesterday was a doozy.  Hubby's bruising is coming out after his back surgery a week ago, my girls have end-of-term-itis where everything is a struggle and a pain and I'm just counting down to the holidays... (I love school holidays!)

The dog vomited.  My digital kitchen scales stopped working and then, my washing machine blew up.  It caught fire, it's totally kaput.  I think the universe was telling me something and I so I didn't sew as I had planned to and I steered clear of the shops.    I had a mini-breakdown and then I got a grip.

This is a bad day - but really in the scheme of things - it's not the end of the world.  Things have a way of working themselves out - leave it to fate.

I got pounding steaks (I'll share the recipe for that later, promise) and my frustrations were expelled and my steaks were lovely and tender.   I decided to make smashed potato bake.  Not only easy but you can be a bit savage!

Food saves the day every time!

1.2 kg coliban potatoes, steamed or boiled until soft
200ml  buttermilk
50g shaved champagne ham
50g tasty cheese, finely grated
White pepper

Preheat oven to 200 degrees c
Cut your potatoes in half before or after boiling/steaming and place in a shallow greased dish skin intact.  Smash down the potatoes with a fork, keeping it a bit rough.
Spread it over the baking tray and drizzle over the buttermilk evenly, then place the shaved ham and finally the cheese on top.   You may like to add pepper now or later or your favourite herb - thyme would work beautifully.

Bake for 20 minutes or until crispy on top.

It's so good and not a lot of effort - brilliant for a small family or entertaining a horde, especially in this cold weather.

How do you vent your frustrations?  Chopping wood? Call a friend? Write?
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3 lovely comments:

Kate @ Our Little Sins on June 29, 2011 at 9:11 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Oh, I'm trying this tonight...

To vent, I very maturely stomp my feet and yell all sorts of odd words, much to my toddler's delight. He often joins in (having no idea what's going on) and stomps with me.

Not very grown up but SO satisfying!

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Aw yum! I'm going to try this!

It's always the way when something goes wrong, everything else wants to follow suite!
We had our car blow up on us when were on our way to get the roadworthy for rego...Then the vacuum blew up, then the washing machine shortly after...Oy!! All within 4 weeks! :(

Hope you have a good day x

tatum on June 29, 2011 at 10:47 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

sounds like the kind of day where at least a little tantie was more than warranted (always makes me feel better i know!)

this look delish...thinking it'll be perfect to add to our dinner tonight, unfortunately I froze the steaks after the shopping yesterday so thinking it will be grilled chicken for us :)

hope that you have a wonderful wednesday (I'm getting that school holiday-itis too...the kids aren't, less than 3 weeks back and I'm over the whole drop off, pick up and working thing!)

Tatum xx


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