Thursday, June 2

Food processor chocolate cake

You might or might know a few things have happened this past week - the biggest thing to happen this week was my baby girl, my firstborn Eloise, turned seven.   Momentous! Another very cool thing that happened this week is that I was sent a replacement food processor - my old one had seen us through a lot of years and a lot of use (prolific baby food use).  Breville were so kind to send me their Kitchen Wizz Pro .  When I lifted it out of the box I gasped.  It was so solid and pretty! It matched my KitchenAid! It was meant to be.

Eloise had requested chocolate cake for her birthday - and I wanted to try the food processor ASAP. I used to make all my cakes with the old food processor before the KitchenAid came along and many complimented me on the consistency of the cakes.  You can make the simplest of cake batters into something amazing with a food processor because there's more mixing and less aeration - it makes for a compact and almost mud-like consistency without it being heavy.  Eloise wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate icing... I set to work.

What is very attractive to me is a few features - first of all it has two bowls a large 2.5 litre one and a small one that fits inside if you only have a few things to process - and you only have to wash up the small bowl and the lid and the little blade.   The other thing I love is that all the fixtures come in their own storage unit with a lid that can be put in a cupboard.  My old one I had tons of bits and pieces floating around everywhere and it was annoying.   Seems Breville are listening.

The chute is extra wide at the top too - I've had situations where I've had to chop carrots or cheese a certain way to get it in the chute - and a few times I've got things stuck! This one extends right across the bowl.  Heaps easier.

So on with the recipe:  I cannot remember where I got this one from but it's saved in a world document 'parties' on my hard drive.  I really need to move all the stuff on that on here..

2/3 cup cocoa
2 eggs
1 cup caster sugar
100 mls canola oil
350 mls water
2 1/2 cups self raising flour

Preheat oven to 175 degrees c

Literally, I mean LITERALLY put all the ingredients in your food processor and process for 40 seconds!

Inside the pusher for the food processor is this cute little measuring cup!  Perfect for the canola oil (and the water)

Oh and I know it looks like the blades aren't in properly but it's a quad-blade food processor - there's an extra two blades underneath the mix...
 Beautiful and smooth no?  You'd swear there was at least a block of chocolate in that!

And how did I know it was 40 seconds?  There's a timer on it!!

Pour into a greased and papered tin and bake for 40 minutes.

I iced Eloise's cake with a quick ganache of melted Lindt 70% dark (150g) mixed with 1/4 cup cream.

It's luscious and rich - without being sickly.  Give it a try!

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9 lovely comments:

duchess_declutter on June 2, 2011 at 7:29 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

What a great recipe - so easy and end result looks fabulous!

Lish on June 2, 2011 at 8:25 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Wow how easy is that!! Such a great recipe - thank you :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Oh the new processor looks soooo nice! The cake will be tried here later in the week too. Kids love it when I've been to your page for recipes ~ thank you! Vanessa :-)

kathryn c said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Wow!!! What a great recipe that is sooo easy to make and the outcome looks fantastic :)Hmmm the new processor looks very fancy. Gotta get one of those x

Jodie Ansted on June 2, 2011 at 11:31 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Firstly, congrats on the Big 7! Ah, doesn't time fly?

And HELLO...GORGEOUS food processor! You could def leave that one on your bench.

We love chockie cake around here. Always first choice for b'day cakes. ;)

Corrie on June 2, 2011 at 11:37 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

ohhh that is very fancy. Mine died last year and it had been working overtime! looks so fancy and so many cool features!


Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I just got one of these and LOVE it. Can't wait to try your choc cake! Being my first food processor I am sure there are many uses I haven't found yet. What do you use yours for on a weekly basis?

Liss on June 2, 2011 at 12:11 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

@Anonymous Oh congrats on getting your first food processor! Well I've been using it today and so far I've julienned carrots, made breadcrumbs from stale bread rolls, and I'm about to puree some raspberries that have gone a bit ick in the freezer and freeze in icecubes (good to just pop into the blender with milk for milkshakes)... so much you can do! Mine is living on the bench now..

MAK TEH on June 12, 2011 at 9:28 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

helo there,you make it look so easy,oh how i wished i have one of this.happy belated b'day to Eloise.


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