Friday, April 22

15 seafood dishes to inspire you on Good Friday

I'm pretty sure I've told you before but for years before I had babies I was pescatarian.  I ate fish/seafood at least four times a week and I didn't eat any read or white meat.  Hubby was a country boy who loves his steak so our compromise was to eat out two nights a week.  I could order what I liked and he could get his fill steak juiciness.  When I fell pregnant with Eloise I started to crave steak myself which of course delighted my husband.

I remember exactly when it happened: he picked me up from work (in our tiny hatchback car at the time - how things have changed!) and I looked across at him and said 'I think I want steak for dinner'.  I'm sure he thought I was joking but I assured him I wasn't.   So we stopped by a butcher on the way home and he got us some scotch fillet.  I don't think he wanted to risk any chance of me not liking the cut but I'm sure he spent at least $30 on two pieces of meat.

Then he dutifully cooked me the steak medium well and even made a mushroom gravy.  I haven't looked back since.  BUT I still love my fish and we still have it at least once a week.  It doesn't have to be fancy, but especially with the price of seafood going down - do compare your prices to chicken and beef/lamb per kilo and you'll notice these days fish is really affordable.  Some things you don't even need that much - anything smoked you can use to flavour sauces etc so a little can go a long way.

Even if you don't do fish for Good Friday - here's some seafood inspiration for any day!   Hope you enjoy your Easter weekend! xxx
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1 lovely comments:

Mammamusing on April 22, 2011 at 12:35 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I'm a huge fan of fish and seafood. We eat it at least twice a week. Luckily for our budget I don't eat red meat as I'm sure we'd be broke if we were buying both!

Mmmm smoke salmon blinis...yum! I think I'll put these on the Easter Sunday menu.


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