Wednesday, March 30

Food Mag Files - April 2011

I've mentioned this a good many times now, but I have a terrible, terrible magazine addiction.  Well, it's not terrible for me - but I'm sure my postie rolls his eyes every time he delivers one because I get magazines every.single.week.  Sometimes a few at a time.

So I thought I'd give you an overview of what's in the food mags I read - and what might be worth checking out yourself.  Most of the magazines this month quite predictably offer some Easter fare, but I'm loving that many magazines are focusing on seasonal ingredients..

Australian Good Taste

Well it's the CHOCOLATE issue.  Need I say more?  I love their photography, it's so lickable isn't it?
The recipe on my list from this issue is Salmon and Dill pie.  Looks so comforting doesn't it?

Recipes +
This issue is a standout I must say and really hones in on the family on a budget.  

My only criticism would be the overuse of pre-packaged sauces and pastes in the recipes.  My pick is the impossible lime and coconut pie (and I think I may even roadtest it this week here what do you think?)

Australian Good Food
I love this magazine and though it is littered with celebrity chefs, the recipes are achievable.  

The crazy Spaniard Miguel Maestre shares some Easter seafood recipes - and I'm definitely going to try some out - the best seafood I've ever eaten was in Spain and he has a very simple and flavoursome approach to food.   There's also a great Italian Easter recipe feature by Giovanni Pilu.

The best way to describe Delicious for me anyways, is it's aimed at those who entertain, and I think either kids who have flown the coop or DINK couples.  It's not family-centric in my view.  It does have some great recipes in it from time to time though that's got 'cross-over' appeal - but it's a bit hit and miss.

This issue the recipe that grabs my eye is the gluten free hot-smoked trout, pea and lemon risotto:

Masterchef Magazine (Issue 10)
This issue marks one year of Masterchef Magazine - but like the Delicious Magazine, not many of the recipes would make it on my weekly meal plan.  A lot of it is restaurant-style food and whilst I love that kind of food it's not my every day.

What has caught my eye though was the Turkish Pide editorial and recipes.  Great recipe to feed a family or serve a crowd at Easter:

And lastly but not leastly, Super Food Ideas
What I love about this publication is that it's jam-packed with useful things. 

I love the guide on where to put what in your fridge and all round fridge hygiene guide..

And being a big fan of meatballs, their meatball feature this month I think will appeal to many...

So do you have any comments on these issues? Do you have them?  Do you subscribe to many magazines or do you buy them at the supermarket/newsagent - where else?

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5 lovely comments:

Cate on March 30, 2011 at 6:39 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I get all those except for the recipes + mag. I am like you SFI and Good Taste form the basis of my weekly menus - then I use Delicious and MasterChef for the weekend or special occasions. I have used the meatball section in SFI a couple of times this week for inspiration - made my own version of Asian meatballs and used sausages as the basis of Italian Meatballs!

Little Miss Moi on March 30, 2011 at 7:11 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

oh MY! That's a lot of food magazines. I used to get ALL of them, because I worked for a food company. It was great. I took them home and perused them while I... ah... watched telly.

I used to have a personal subscription to delicious., which one of my wonderful friends continued for me when I moved overseas. HOwever, I now live in Darwin and the climate here is so unconducive to actually enjoying cooking - it's just too hot. ALWAYS too hot.

So I have no subs, but if I feel like a treat I get delicious. or Australian Gourmet Traveller. But mostly I get Australian Country Style because I love to dream about when I move away from this hot hot humid place!

Bel on March 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I don't subscribe to any and never have (mainly because I haven't had the budget to) but buy the ones that interest me that I see on the stand. I generally only buy 3-4 a year now (I used to buy close to every month, as the insane amount of SFI's I have on my shelf).

I'm more a book buyer these days, and a foodie blog wench.. wayyy to many food blogs in my RSS feed.

Katie on March 30, 2011 at 3:46 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Agree totally with your thoughts on Delicious...had every issue of that from the beginning up until about a year ago...very hit and miss and way too much advertising and little other real substance comparatively to other mags (and that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, pardon the pun!). When we moved about 5 years ago, I had a huge trunk of food mags and had to really cull. I still have a couple of boxes full but never look at them and find rather blogs, like your wonderful one Liss, are the way I am increasingly turning and resourcing. As well as xxx

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

oh i love magazines... sadly they don't make it into the budget anymore... i have the biggest pile of cookbooks though that i couldn't cook through in a million years!


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