Wednesday, February 3

Easier than expected: Swiss Roll

I have recollections of trying to make one of these with my Mum some years ago (well at least 25) for my grandmothers' birthday.  It was I remember a very stressful experience as it was from the Australian Womens' Weekly Birthday Cake Cookbook was to stand up on its' end, be iced and look like a candle... Does anyone remember that?

This one I wasn't going to get to stand on its' end and this was anything but stressful.  In fact, I would make it again, with variations:

Chocolate cake with cherry jam
Ginger cake with a raspberry jam

Care to suggest some others?

I was inspired to use this recipe from Rachel Allen after seeing her show her cooking class on her show 'Bake'  The key really is follow all the instructions.  I tried to make a shortcut of using cooking spray instead of butter to line my baking tray - won't do that next time!

4 eggs
125gr caster sugar
2 tsp warm water
1 tsp vanilla essence
125gr plain flour

1/2 cup jam of choice
500ml cream, stiffly beaten

Preheat oven to 190 degrees c - non fan forced, and don't start until it is fully preheated.

With a swiss roll tin or large baking tray with at least 2cm lip at sides - grease by brushing with melted butter on bottom and all sides. Flour all sides and pat over sink to remove excess flour.

With an electric hand beater or stand mixer, beat the eggs and caster sugar at high speed until they almost if not, double in size and becomes pale and fluffy (see bottom pic)

pour in water and vanilla, beat gently a few rounds to combine

take beaters off, and sift in 1/3 of flour at a time, folding through with a metal spoon each time.

Without delay, pour into your tray and spread out to edges.

Place in oven for 12-15 minutes until a little golden on top.

Roll out some baking powder and spread 1/4 cup caster sugar on it, turn out your cake onto this.

Cover immediately with a damp (wrung out) teatowel.  This will keep the cake moist whilst it cools so you can roll it out without it cracking

When cool (about 15-20 mins) spread jam over - covering as much as possible and then about 1cm thickness of cream - cream should be quite stiff to allow the cake to keep its' form.

Now to roll.  You don't need to touch the cake.
Use the edge of the baking powder and fold over the inch closest to you, away from you.

Keep using the baking paper to continue to fold.  Slide off the baking paper onto serving plate, or as I did, cut in half and slide it off.

Keep refrigerated before and after serving - I think the playgroup Mums will enjoy it  tomorrow- don't you?
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2 lovely comments:

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella on February 3, 2010 at 2:41 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Well done! Those buggers are so hard to roll! And standing it up and icing it? What the? :O Sounds awfully difficult! Perhaps that's why the swiss roll candle cake never took off! Perhaps it might be one of those things that works with mock cream but not real cream.

Nisha on February 3, 2010 at 11:57 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Im in awe- they ARE tough to roll! Those playgroup mums dont know how lucky they are!


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