Wednesday, May 4

Recipe: Eloise prepares greek lamb parcels!

All my girls love being with me in the kitchen and are always offering to 'help' or taste-test 'Just to check you made it really yummy Mummy'.  Ahem.  Eloise's love has exponentially increased since her Greekalicious class.  She was desperate to show us her cooking skills and the lamb she made in the class.   I wasn't going to let her enthusiasm wane and put the ingredients on my shopping list and the meal on our meal plan.

This is extremely easy and kiddy-friendly.  You can prepare the ingredients to arrange ahead of time, but you'll need to assist for kids under 10 or so - unless they are familiar and confident with a frypan and stove (something Eloise is moving onto after her seventh birthday in June - I promised!)

Adapted from recipe by Maria Bernadis

1 kg boneless lamb roast
4 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced into 4 pieces each
2 sprigs rosemary, thyme and oregano, roughly chopped
Olive oil
Parmesan cheese, finely sliced
3 medium or 2 large tomatoes, thinly sliced

Preheat your oven to 200 degrees c

Slice your beef into 5-6 slices and cut little incisions into one side, slide your garlic into these incisions.

Chop and mix your herbs together - slowly but surely my girls are understanding which herb is what.  Eloise calls oregano 'the heart shaped leaf herb' and Laura calls Rosemary 'Miss Rosemary spiky' and Olivia knows thyme has the tiny leaves.  It's quite convenient 'grab mummy some x,y and z' hehe.

Oil a griddle or frypan and brown your lamb on both sides, set aside to rest.

Then cut/rip up some baking paper about 30cm square and place one piece of lamb in the centre.  Sprinkle over the herbs.

Then place on the parmesan

Lastly layer the top with sliced tomato, salt and pepper.

Wrap the lamb up

Make sure it's packed tight Eloise tells us and 'quality controls' each one.

Place on baking tray and bake for 50 minutes - 1 hour.

Serve!  (we ate ours with lemon potatoes and greek salad!)

Do your kids have a signature dish at your house or what's the first one you'd like to teach them?

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1 lovely comments:

Belinda on May 4, 2011 at 10:32 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Hi Liss. This recipe looks very easy and very delicious. Will definitely give it a try. I've just posted about kids in the kitchen too. My Em, who is 7, has just had her first independent attempt at cooking. She made some delicious 'Fairy Biscuits'. Baking is fun and simple - no hot pans + no chopping with knives = no stressed out mum! I thought we'd keep it basic for our first go but I'm very impressed with your bravery .....


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