Wednesday, May 25

Advice to bloggers: Making a media kit

Media kits are always a good idea to have on hand should you be approached by a PR rep for a brand or a potential advertiser.

The quality and information help in your Media Kit help a PR consultant/brand both determine if you're the right fit for a brand or to give their client (the brand) confidence and something measurable to engage with. It also conveys professionalism and credibility.

Here's some headings and content I would aim for.

How your blog started, who you are and why you write.  How often you write, what motivates you and what you offer to readers.

Whether by survey, informed knowledge or gut feel - who are your readers?  Do they have children? Do they view from home/work and how often do they visit? Male, female etc.Do they have particular interests?

Latest Statistics

  • For the month just passed - it needs to be RECENT.
  • Unique browsers, page impressions

  • Subscribers - RSS, Googlefriend connect, Email subscriptions, Twitter, Facebook, Newsletter, Youtube channel - whatever you offer.
  • If you write regularly for other publications that provide a link back (sometimes this is worth writing for free for additional reach)
  • Any awards you might have won/recognition of your blog - include media 

Where to find you:
All of your channel addresses: blog url, twitter, facebook etc.

What you offer:
Sponsored posts, advertising, reviews (detail interests, demographic) if you write about children - even if your own - their ages etc.  Any social media policies you have, and any affiliations you have to blogger best practices, bloggers manifesto etc..

Sponsored post subheading
If you do sponsored posts ensure you disclose on what conditions:  Do you do it through a media agency?  Do you charge a set amount per post or by word?  Do you discount for a set of sponsored posts?  Do you offer client/brand approval/editing rights?

Advertising subheading
Advertising disclose - size, position (i.e. above/below fold) any other advertising networks you currently belong to, artwork requirements, delivery, minimum/maximum run-times, formats you accept (animated gifs/flash etc).  Disclose the method you will invoice them by.

The prices.  I would recommend discounting for bulk advertising paid upfront - i.e 10% discount for 3 months paid in advance.

Contact details
Phone, email, street address.

Is this useful to you?  Is there anything else you'd include?
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1 lovely comments:

CraftyMummy on June 28, 2011 at 4:04 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Thanks for this. I'd been thinking I need to create a media kit so your guidelines are so helpful


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