Thursday, April 1

Creamy Tuna Tortellini Bake

Old habits die hard I find.  Although I'm not a church go-er-rer, we always, always in my house growing up had fish on Good Friday.  Always.  Probably because there was always fish served at my grandparents' on Good Friday too.   In any case, we never need an excuse to eat fish, I personally would and could eat it every day.

This is a recipe that's good for any time, you can make it up to  day ahead if you are planning a family get-together - you could mush it up for babies to eat and bits of tortellini are great for toddlers to 'fish out' (pardon the pun) with fingers.  You'll please everyone.

25 grams butter or margarine
1 cup milk
1/4 cup wholemeal flour
1 1/4 cup grated tasty cheese
1 cup bread crumbs
500g packet ricotta cheese tortellini (or you could make your own)
425g tin tuna in springwater, drained
7cm off end of leek, finely diced
10 button mushrooms, sliced

Make a white sauce by melting butter in a saucepan, adding the flour then the milk gradually whilst you whisk.  This will become thick, but if it doesn't initally, simmer on a medium heat and whisk occasionally until it does.

Take off the heat and whisk in 1 cup of grated tasty, then add drained tuna and then the leek and mushrooms.  Pepper generously and stir through, pour into a baking tray or casserole dish.

In another saucepan, boil some water and then add tortellini.  Cook until all floats to the top and drain

Preheat oven to 200 degrees c

Add the tortellini to the casserole dish, stir through the sauce well.  Top with breadcrumbs and then 1/4 cup grated cheese.  Cover with aluminium foil or a casserole dish lid and place into the oven for 25 minutes.

Take lid/foil off and continue to bake or a further 10 minutes or until golden on top.

Serve with a salad or vegetables of your liking!

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3 lovely comments:

Diminishing Lucy on April 2, 2010 at 2:33 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Same here. As a child we went to church most Sundays, but it was farily laid back Anglican. Lovely husband is agnostic, so these days my churchgoing is nil. But I menu plan for fish on Fridays, and ALWAYS on Good Friday.

I love your blog........

Corrie on April 23, 2010 at 4:19 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

yuuuuuum! this is in the oven right now, as I type! but so far, from all the tasting I HAD to do this is a winner!

lady, you are my new meal planner! this is great! I know the kids will love this one


Veronica on October 5, 2010 at 9:30 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Love it!!!!

Special request

More tuna recipes please....I have only really awful ones.....and my kids hate them all


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