Tuesday, April 13

A blast from my past: Malt Loaf

Where do I start?  When I used to live in the UK, I was introduced to Soreen Malt Loaf.  It was love at first bite.  Malty, chewy, yummy smothered with butter, I miss those little loaves when I returned home.  A couple of the UK food importers have them from time to time, but they are incredibly hard to come by... so when I came across a couple of recipes that claimed to be close, there was no question:  I'm onto it.

Delia Smiths' recipe looks quite close, however it takes up to 5 hours in the rising process.  Hmm.  One day.  Gary Rhodes' recipe doesn't look quite right.  So I take some of one and some of another.. and can I report it's not 'quite' there but it's close.  It's yummy.  I will have to try Delia's I think.

150ml tea, drained
1 cup malt powder (I used Nestle)
2 1/2 cups wholemeal plain flour
1/4 cup treacle
1/4 tsp mixed spice
3 tblsp baking powder
2 eggs
150g raisins
150g sultanas

Preheat your oven to 160 degrees c 

Grease, paper and grease loaf tin 

Into your warm tea, pour your malt, set aside.

In your mixing bowl, mix the the remaining ingredients, mix on low speed and mix in your malty tea until all ingredients are well combined.

Pour into loaf tin and bake in oven 1 hour 30 minutes until baked all the way through.

Cool in tin for 20 minutes, then remove and leave to stand until cools completely.

Best stored in airtight container in the refrigerator for 3 days before consuiming (but hey, I'll understand if you can't wait - I made two!  The extra standing time develops the chewy consistency)
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1 lovely comments:

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella on April 13, 2010 at 2:08 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Ahh so this is the loaf you were talking about! I'm really intrigued by this now-I don't think I've seen this before! :P


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