Monday, March 15

Monday Monday...

These weekends go so fast don't they?
I plum ran out of time to cook this weekend - this is the benefit of cooking and stashing!  (i.e. making freezer meals!).  We had family in town and a wedding - I'm a bit frazzled!

Here's a pic of my lovely little frills - amazing they are smiling because just before this in an overtired altercation they were behaving like wolves! You'd never know it!

Yesterday was a bit of a recovery day - some  recipe hunting as I have three new cookbooks, so stay tuned!  I have also picked up through ReUseIt - extra pieces to our every day setting (Maxwell Williams classic white) for nothing!  It's a great resource to get and give things away!

How was your weekend?
Psst:  Head over to Not Quite Nigella today - my little frills feature!
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1 lovely comments:

Kylie G on March 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

They are just too cute! Wolves? Never!


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