Monday, September 5

Banoffee Pie

You know last week's conversation with my uncle about the recipes you pick up along the way got me thinking.... almost twenty years ago when I lived in London my boyfriend at the time loved Banoffee pie.   When he told me this I had no idea what a Banoffee Pie was.  So before the days of google he took me to a cafe in Paddington that served his favourite.

My forensic eating skills are well known.  I like to dissect my foods flavours and try and work out what is in it. This one was an absolute no brainer.  So I surprised him one weekend and made it.  He was amazed I did it without a recipe - but really I couldn't work out how he hadn't worked it out.  What I couldn't work out the most is why he paid £5 a slice.

It's very rich and not exactly weight-watchers-friendly but it is a slice of heaven and my husband who doesn't even like bananas wasn't the least bit perturbed at their presence or the fact that I used to make it for my ex-boyfriend.  He was too busy scoffing himself....

200g nice biscuits (or other sugar cookie)
100g melted butter
1 tb golden syrup (optional)
2 tins skim sweetened condensed milk
300ml cream, whipped
2 bananas, slice

Process or crush your biscuts until they are bread-crumb-like.. A few chunks isn't going to break you...

Melt your butter and mix in your golden syrup..  Pour into your biscuits and mix well.  Press down into a greased pie tin.

Make your caramel... put it on a medium heat and don't answer the phone.  Stay there and stir that thing until you can't stand the sight of it any more.. that should take about 10 or so minutes.  If you walk away to answer the phone you'll come back to a little crust around the outside of your pan like I did (and luckily it didn't burn but I was NOT happy!)

It will change colour to a caramel colour and start to become heavy.

Now if you have an urge to answer the phone or children or even husbands who love to interrupt, don't worry - you can sieve it and get out most of the brown bits if you haven't burnt it.

Pour into your base - try to resist the urge to pour it into your mouth - because it will hurt.  Trust me.

Smooth it out.... leave it for about 15 minutes.   Whip your cream...

And spread it over the top and then slice your bananas and place on top before serving.
 If you MUST be one of these people who needs chocolate on everything - sprinkle with a little flake if you like.. personally I don't think it needs it.

Slice it up and savour!  Close your eyes and tell the weight-watcher folk it's worth the points.. A little bit goes a long way!
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7 lovely comments:

Jo @countrylifeexperiment on September 5, 2011 at 9:39 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Yum! I too fell in love with Banoffee pie in London in my "youth". Reading this was like a flashback. I know what I am going to make this weekend... if I can afford the bananas lol!

Liss on September 5, 2011 at 9:41 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Ha @Jo @countrylifeexperiment ! Bananas are down to $8 a kg here - two only cost me $2.50.... so they should be coming down now..

Just Me on September 6, 2011 at 3:02 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Looks great. I'll give it a try. Thanks

Clairbear said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Being the slacko that I am I use the caramel out of a can and place my sliced bananas on the pie crust and then the caramel on top. Still delicious and my eldest sons favourite.

Kerrie Czernia said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I love banoffee pie, but mine is the real cheats way. Buy pie shell, put in a tin of caramel, then banana slices to cover, then cream. A scottish friend introduced me to it.

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo on September 6, 2011 at 11:03 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I make the caramel in the oven. SO much easier! Email me sweetie if you want directions...

Amy on September 6, 2011 at 5:14 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Mmm I have never had banoffee pie and yours is making me think I've been missing out for far too long!! Yum!!!


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