Wednesday, June 13

Banana Ketchup - in the thermomix (and not)

I know it sounds weird right?  Believe me it's delicious and a great addition to a snag - beef or pork it wouldn't really matter.. so if you have some bananas on the turn it might be a good way of using them!  I made them to go in a dish that's coming up tomorrow on the blog.

I've adapted mine for the thermomix but you can make it the conventional way from this site - that's what I adapted this recipe from.  Alternatively you can just buy it from here.. it's cheap!

60g sultanas
75g onion
3 large cloves garlic
90g tomato paste
375ml/g apple cider vinegar
4 large ripe bananas, peeled
750g water
100g brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
60g golden syrup
3 tsp allspice

Place sultanas, onion, garlic, tomato paste and 125g of vinegar in thermomix and hold on tight whilst you place it for 5 minutes at 60 degrees speed 4.

Hello thermomix! Thank you for doing the stirring for me!

Then you have a rich paste.

Add your bananas and another 125g vinegar, plus water and place 2 minutes, 60 degrees on speed 4.

Now it's starting to look like ketchup!

Lastly add the golden syrup, remaining 125g vinegar, brown sugar, salt and allspice.

Cook for 10 minutes on veroma temp speed 2.  I put the steamer basket on top and steamed one of my jars and lids to sterilise. (The rest I was using straight away)

Hello banana ketchup! Store in the fridge for up to 2 months.

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