Saturday, June 23

Sunday baking project: Lemon sour cream pound cake

It's been a sick ol' week here at the house of frills.  Well just me actually.  I've spent most of my week flat on my back in bed.  Anything more than an hour out of bed made me dizzy and exhausted.   Attention span of gnat too.  Very frustrating for someone like me who likes to keep busy but I think your body just tells you when enough is enough, and well - this time - I listened.

During the week I've had the opportunity to look at a few of the cookbooks I've collected over the past year and hadn't really had an opportunity to have a proper look at - this one being one - I bought this both for my sister and myself...

Not only is it beautiful to look at - all the recipes are achievable and there's a lot of new ideas mixed in with traditional favourites.  I like that it also gives you tips on how to make it your own by making variation suggestions.

So given that my attention span is poor and so is my supply of school treats I thought I would give it a spin.  All ingredients I had in the fridge - no rocket science processes and something I know the kids will love.  This is a perfect afternoon tea cake - with a cuppa of course.. but also will easily make 10 full or 20 half slices (as I do) in lunchboxes.  Not a bad pay off for the effort involved!

1 1/2 cups plain flour
1/4 tsp bicarb soda
1/4 tsp salt
185g butter at room temperature
1 cup caster or white sugar
2 eggs at room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
zest and just of one lemon
1/2 cup sour cream

Preheat oven to 190 degrees c
In a bowl, mix your flour and baking powder.  Set aside.

Cream your butter and sugar together until it is pale.  Add vanilla and 1 eggs, beat until well combined then add your other egg.  

 Beat once again.  Then add lemon juice and zest.

Then add half the flour mix and until just combined. Lastly add sour cream and rest of flour, mix for about 30 seconds until light and fluffy.

At this point you may want to try some.  Recommended.

Spoon mixture into greased loaf pan.  This is the bit where you or your eager assistants can lick the bowl.

Bake for 1 hour and 10 minutes.  Look at THAT!

It's gorgeous!  Give it a try for afternoon tea or your lunchbox stash!  (Those of you having babies can also freeze this whole and have it on hand when people drop by!)

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